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  1. N

    Possible lockout

    Always have correct PH for nutrients otherwise your wasting nutrients and locking them out. Your money? Make sure you add micro into water first before other nutrients. Or get locked out. Clean your hydroton clay pebbles before a grow. Or get PH imbalances and or lock outs. Make sure water...
  2. N

    New room setup take a peek.

    Update: 1320 PPM caused yellowing. Added less then 1/2 KoolBloom. Started greening back. @ 1368-1400 PPM Nute top up: plus Epson PPM level @ 1468 Thursday Nute top up: plus Espon PPM level @ 1502 Saterday Not sure how much these beasts will take but we'll see, am just having fun with this...
  3. N

    Which would produce more DO in a DWC?

    With a RDWC system using two lines in at top of lid and one out at the bottom gives pretty good DO but a stone or even two in a 5G bucket fully saturates the roots with O2 under the rootball. 2 lines are best in my opinion because one can always clog up.
  4. N

    PH Meter reminder !

    Nutradip probes work great for me I've had mine for years now. You can plug it in or use a 9v for mobility.
  5. N

    What is this def.

    If it never gets better check your water to see if it could cause nutrient deficiency lockouts from something such as chlorine or another factor, sodium, iron example.
  6. N

    Which would produce more DO in a DWC?

    If it's super bushy by all means. Most pruning should be done by week 3 but you can always defoliate here and there to maintain some sort of uniformity.
  7. N

    65 F too low for night time temps grow tent?

    Yup anything under 73F and over 50% RH is like playing Russian roulette in flowering.
  8. N

    H2O2 ratio

    SM90 for res. Or try Grozyme for roots in warmer temps. I recommend a fan for top of res lid blowing heat out, or an open res lid in dark room to drop temps. You can drop 10F res temps by doing this.
  9. N

    Please Help. Pictures. Multi-Strain. Light in colour and purple stems.

    You my friend are locked up. Pretty good too. Look at your leafs see the dark green squares with light green squares & The dark red purple stems? That is your ph being a tad high and your locked out on N.P.K & Mg/Cal. The purple stems is from phosphors being locked. Your locked out. Flush &...
  10. N

    Which would produce more DO in a DWC?

    Just drop them stones in the damn bucket ! Lol
  11. N

    Local (tap) water quality and its contents for DWC

    Sm90 and a 3 part. Keep it simple. It works ... :hump:
  12. N

    Powdert MIdew... AGAIN

    A 60x - 100x magnifying scope with a light can show the spores on any material.
  13. N

    What is this def.

    Check your water first.
  14. N

    tiny white mites
  15. N

    New room setup take a peek.

    Just an update for anyone that may actually be reading this. The yellowing has been resolved and it was indeed a lack of P and K and very minor Mg/Cal. So my lesson here is when you have plants that are around 6 to 7 ft and out of Sativa control. They will laugh in your face for feeding them a...
  16. N

    Random dead spots on otherwise healthy seeming plant

    If it's RO water you are using you might need a little bit of Cal Mag but not a whole lot just yet. Your girl is still small.
  17. N

    New room setup take a peek.

    Well one plant in the flower room is yellowing real fast. The White Cookies seems to be the ones affected. The rest are starting to follow. I think I need more nutrients for them and am at 1322 PPMs. I put Koolbloom in at half strength to bump it up more. These girls are super super hungry ...
  18. N

    Pale/lighter colour new growth in seedling.

    Hydroponics DWC. Veg PH 6.0 to 6.3. Flowering PH 5.7 to 6.0. Soiless Veg PH 6.2-6.3-6.4. Flowering PH 5.8-6.0 Very similar ranges between both styles.