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  1. N

    Nitrogen Abundance?

    If you are growing in a soiless medium do not switch to flowering nutrients until the end of the 2ed week of flowering. Since the plant is still vegging at that point and stretching. It will require the nitrogen in early stages of flowering. If you use flowering nutrients the plant will rapidly...
  2. N

    HElP SOS, no idea what's hurting my plants !!!!

    You can still get fungas knats in hydroponics and Thrips or even mites, although the chances are allot less at least with Thrips. You probably got them by bringing other plants in the house or you have a garden outside I take it? I wouldn't worry too much about Thrips they are easy to get rid...
  3. N

    New room setup take a peek.

    Say hello to the twins everyone ! o_O
  4. N

    Random dead spots on otherwise healthy seeming plant

    Looks like either water light burn from drops of water you may have splashed on them or too much chlorine in water not evaporated enough causing the early beginnings of a lock out of Magnesium/Calcium.
  5. N

    Indoor assistance needed

    Flush the plant with PH water and add back 50% nutes with cal mag full dose. Flush with water that has been sitting out 24 hours if tap. Get the fizzes out ... chlorine
  6. N

    DON'T Post Pictures with a HPS or LED on! Please ...turn them OFF for pics!

    SM90, ATAK RTU, Sulpher, Neem Oil. Very high humidity for a week.
  7. N

    Pale/lighter colour new growth in seedling.

    Before you start to grow anything make sure you have good water and it's prepared correctly for use before fertilizing and or watering your girls.
  8. N

    Which would produce more DO in a DWC?

    Looks about right for week 4.
  9. N

    Local (tap) water quality and its contents for DWC

    They do make a 3 part GH for both soft water and hard water. Be aware that city sewer and road pipe ect construction repairs can alter the PPM in tap water during summer fall.
  10. N

    Indoor assistance needed

    Based on how purple the stalks are and stems, you are locked out from calcium and magnesium. Something in your soil is causing lock out or the water your using has way to much Chlorine in it.
  11. N

    HElP SOS, no idea what's hurting my plants !!!!

    Try watering with SM90. 2ml gallon. 3ml for bigger plants. ATAK RTU is also good to have on hand along with SM90. You are correct they are Thrips and they like to jump pots.
  12. N

    tiny white mites

    SM90 & ATAK RTU.
  13. N

    DWC res water to hot

    My old setup was a res chilled by A.C. air vent. Isolated in a room within a room 64 to 70F varying.. afterwards I used a pelt cooler heatsync... finally I just use a chiller now.
  14. N

    No clue... help please!

    This is hard to pin point because there are many other factors involved here. Give us your room specs. day temp, night temp, humidity, PH, nutes and medium. You need to be able to answer all these questions. If you can't you need the means to do so and your information must be accurate.
  15. N

    Leaves curled downward

    Was thinking the same thing thus the mag lock out probably because too much water and also water that hasn't been dechlorinated properly.
  16. N

    Leaves curled downward

    Ussualy in hydroponics you can see the changes in as little as a day to 3 days. Soiless can take a little bit longer before you see the results. Remember PH should be 6.2-6.3-6.4 while in vegging using soiless mediums. Flowering you will want to be in the 5.7-5.8-5.9-6.0 area. Magnesium and...
  17. N

    Powdert MIdew... AGAIN

    Keep your night time temps at 77F and humidity under 50% and the PM cannot thrive and multiply . You could also try a UV zapper bug light during daylight hours as they have been known to repress/kill mold pm spores but may damage plant tissue if you have a powerful one. ATAK RTU works well...
  18. N

    Leaves curled downward

    The beginning of magnesium deficiency. And or your water is locking it out.
  19. N

    Tips for soiless

    When I grow in soiless I run PH at (6.2-6.3-6.4 in vegging) (5.7-5.8-6.0 in flower.) Start with good water first and make sure the water you use won't lock out other nutes. CAL/MAG. ect. When you are on your 2ed and 3rd week of flowering, there's a big chance you'll need extra magniesm and...
  20. N

    PH Meter reminder !

    meter me thinks.. Lol I leave the ph probe in the res and it drifts off a little bitty bit every month, maybe from air stones or 9v battery vs power plug. No idea but they do drift off eventually !