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  1. Mcgician

    Methodical, scientific approach to nutrients and nutrient formulations discussion

    Wow, I actually took the time to read through this entire thread so far, and while at times, my head's still spinning with confusion in some parts, it's become wildly clear that there are many misconceptions being capitalized on by most of the big name nutrient manufacturers. Even though I've...
  2. Mcgician

    white film in my nutrient water???

    I've seen this type of thing when using an oil drive pump. Check your pump and see if this is the type you have. If it is, even still there's nothing to worry about.
  3. Mcgician

    The Late Night (venting) Thread, Get it off ur chest here.

    You know what's been buggin the shit outta me? That McDonalds commercial where the guy keeps saying, "don't even talk to me until I've had my coffee." If somebody said that to me, I'd talk their fucking ear off, then kick their dog, and piss on their grandma's grave. Btw, that's only halfway...
  4. Mcgician

    Leaves Curling Upwards - Photos

    This thread can possibly help you out too.
  5. Mcgician

    Who's battling root aphids?!

    Are those directions something you found on the Azatrol bottle? The Take Down product I used has the same basic ingredient as Azatrol. As I mentioned though, be careful with your dosage because you don't want to suffocate the roots with the oil. IMO, that's as big a deal as killing off the...
  6. Mcgician

    Sun Pulse DIGITAL Lamps

    Apparently, while I was on a small trip back home, there was a power outage, and someone else was left to deal with the situation. While this was only an issue (as far as I know) for one day, from the detailed questions I asked while I was away and made aware of the situation has inherently...
  7. Mcgician

    Leaves Curling Upwards - Photos

    That's not upward leaf curl, it's called zippering, at least to MY knowledge. The most likely culprit for what you're experiencing is a little too much heat at the tops of the plants. Aren't most purple strains more conducive to cold temperatures? I don't have enough personal experience with...
  8. Mcgician

    Why stop fulvic and humic supplementation?

    Well, I've been doing some digging into this subject and it appears that House and Garden puts fulvic acid into their regular nutrient formula, which is why you don't see additional additives like those from other companies. If you follow Advanced Nutrients' feeding schedule, if you use...
  9. Mcgician

    g-h. nute question

    I would advise using their product Diamond Nectar, especially during vegetative phase. The fulvic acid will help break down the elements into a more absorbable form. This will help your plants uptake what it is they need and make them hardier. Don't overthink it. Plants are relatively...
  10. Mcgician

    Who's battling root aphids?!

    ^Just to let you know how my personal experience has gone, it's gone something like this. So far, I haven't been able to rid my plants of them entirely. Something I will not suggest at this point is doing a root soak the same way I did. I used a pyrethrum based oil concentrate (Take Down)...
  11. Mcgician

    Sun Pulse DIGITAL Lamps

    Well, I wrote to Sun Pulse and asked them some questions about this whole topic. This was the response email I got: Hi ......., I'm happy to take time to explain. My first question to you is "what kind of ballast do you have"? If you have an electronic ballast, then I'll start there. An HID...
  12. Mcgician

    where do you growers here stand politically? conservative or a liberals?

    Complete and total OWNAGE. I love it! Hahaha. Btw, the southpark "hope and change" episode was on two nights ago. lol.
  13. Mcgician

    Is water temp. and water pH related in any way?

    And now you're being a douche...:roll:
  14. Mcgician

    Is water temp. and water pH related in any way?

    How about taking a less offensive approach to giving answers to someone's thread then? Since you're so in touch with google, why don't you just answer the damn question? I'm sure that's what the OP was asking for in the first place.
  15. Mcgician

    Is water temp. and water pH related in any way?

    Wow, that's brilliant. Why don't we just do away with this forum altogether and just ask google everything? :rolleyes:
  16. Mcgician

    Bubble Gum

    Been growing bubblegum for the last 6-7 months. You're gonna love it, although it gets to be pretty big sizewise. You're better off with fewer plants and giving them ample room to grow. So far, my favorite high as well. It's not up, nor couchlock, but you'll find yourself drifting off pretty...
  17. Mcgician

    Is water temp. and water pH related in any way?

    That's incorrect, actually. That's precisely why many pH testers have automatic temperature control software built into their products. As temperature rises, (all things being equal) so should pH.
  18. Mcgician

    America agrees that campaign money is free speech

    All the McCain/Feingold BS did was create more creative, more preposterous, and even more sadistic, fucked up loopholes for so called "non-profit" groups like ACORN and They've been caught red-handed with trying to get illegals to vote, prostitution rings renamed as tax deductions...
  19. Mcgician

    Kicked Out Of Weed Club Today. Who Was Really At Fault?

    Come on An, wtf? Did you drive there yourself or did someone else drive you? Trust me, risking a DUI even if you had gotten your meds isn't worth it. Imo, anyone willing to put together a dispensary given its legal limbo MUST adhere to whatever regulations are put together for them. Obviously...
  20. Mcgician

    Need good rock/techno music POST FAV SONGS HERE

    Take the time to actually look through what's in here and I guarantee you'll be happy! Cheers!!