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  1. Mcgician

    headshop employment!

    All the advice I've heard so far has been laughable. I know you're 18 but come on, what kind of serious money do you think is going to be headed your way working in a head shop? And please, no disrespect to anyone that does. All I'm sayin' is that is most likely, you're going to be offered...
  2. Mcgician

    Holy Crap - Can Fans are LOUD

    I have one of the 10" Max Fans, and insulated ducting is all you need. Beyond that, you can try an actual muffler for inline fans. They're pretty big though.
  3. Mcgician

    Skunk #1 Perpetual SOG...5 harvests every 60 days

    Nicely done, although I'm wouldn't be comfortable with that many plants myself. How long does Skunk 1 take for you to flower?
  4. Mcgician

    Building an underground grow room

    Sounds like an epic idea to me, and you'd be set up for life. You'd find leaving a property like that would be very, very hard to do once you finished. You sure you want to live there indefinitely?
  5. Mcgician

    Help! Hermie??

    ^^^IMO, pic 3 looks male. Take it for what it's worth.
  6. Mcgician

    Blueberry Kush Genetics

    Sounds cool, what club did you get it from? Was there any other info on the strain before you bought it? I take all these strain names very casually. Take everything you hear with a grain of salt.
  7. Mcgician

    1000w hps question

    18"-24" away is the best distance IMO. I use hoods that have holes in both sides though, and use a light mover for both of mine. I wish I could find the thread, but if you care to dig deep enough into this, you'll find that is the sweet spot for most lamps/reflector distances.
  8. Mcgician

    Keeping plants short

    Keep a careful eye on how often you water. The plants will stretch on you if you overwater, at least in my experience. Genetics are obviously the most important factor here, but how far away your light is, its nutrient solution, and atmospheric conditions are big factors too, but aside from...
  9. Mcgician

    the attitude

    Other than the wait, hopefully you won't receive seeds that end up male or hermie. My luck with them so far has been horrible. Hopefully that won't be the case for you. Also, there's always a chance it got intercepted by the authorities in which you don't have much recourse. Good luck, and...
  10. Mcgician

    light from outside grow room "A current flowering technique becoming more common amongst growers is called light deprivation, also known as ‘blacking out,’ ‘light-dep’ and inducing photoperiod. To...
  11. Mcgician

    massachusetts, just a bunch of rednecks

  12. Mcgician

    *Republican Poised to win Late Senetor Kennedy's Seat!!! Amazing!!

    Hell fuckin yeah! :bigjoint:
  13. Mcgician

    *Republican Poised to win Late Senetor Kennedy's Seat!!! Amazing!!

    Precisely why I'm for term limits in government. As liberal as the state of Massachussetts is, when a name like "Kennedy" is waved in front of voters instead of a careful look at policy or politics, most in that state have been hypnotized into thinking keeping that old windbag in power was the...
  14. Mcgician

    Multi Family and Commercial Real Estate Broker here...

    Very cool to see some networking with intelligent people going on. :leaf:
  15. Mcgician

    I Used To See Auras

    Sounds pretty damn awesome. Can't wait to hear the rest. :leaf:
  16. Mcgician

    A week from harvest and got Spider mites

    I've had mixed results regarding the No Pest strips. They're great at heading off fungus gnats and root aphids (given the chance), but when it comes to mites, thrips, or whiteflies, I resort to the more traditional spray/dunk techniques.
  17. Mcgician

    Why stop fulvic and humic supplementation?

    Nice plant. What strain is that? It's NOT all marketing BS though. Just a simple browse through youtube videos will show you the difference PGRs, plant hormones, and phtoestrogens make. Pretty cool to watch under the microscope btw. :leaf:
  18. Mcgician

    What are light movers? Useful in a grow tent?

    Movers are always helpful. Use them. I do.
  19. Mcgician

    A week from harvest and got Spider mites

    Unfortunately, it's too late in flowering to do much in eradicating them completlely. There are a number of spays you can use though. Dr. Pursifull's, Zero Tolerance, Neem, and something I've gotten great results called Mite Rid. I fuckin' hate bugs and can't wait to hear you fucked their...