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  1. smokinrav


    They'll always be the parasite till they have to pay for us in old age lol Then it'll be, what extended living home can we place her in with just her SS check?
  2. smokinrav

    Convoy? ..Convoy!

    You just know that shit hurts. They didn't put the cuffs on nicely, but gave them that final tight click that damages the nerves in your wrist. Um.....don't ask me how I know...
  3. smokinrav

    Convoy? ..Convoy!

    No way! Trump promised us indigenous natives from the Canadian Rockies would pay for it! False flag! False flag!
  4. smokinrav


    We have a lot of drones and anti radiation missiles (ARM). Send a few squads of drones in followed by F-22s with ARMs about 20 or 30 miles behind. Bye Bye radar, meet the A-10 once again for the first time
  5. smokinrav

    The Junk Drawer

    The F-4U was my favorite plane of the war, probably because Pappy Boyington was a childhood hero of mine. Right behind that is the P-40 Warhawk, Because Col.Claire Chennault was another boyhood hero, and he and a ragtag group of aviators (AVG) used inferior planes with superior tactics to beat...
  6. smokinrav


    Ahhh, you suffer from the Leave it to Beaver or The Brady Bunch syndrome so many outside America fantasize about. That's lovely. Third time, how has America been a guiding light to you?
  7. smokinrav


    No, we can't. It is what it is. Now about that guiding light thing?
  8. smokinrav


    So now, in 2022, we have to be held accountable? Because we're a guiding light? *cough*bullshit*cough* America has done what it does for 75 years. We've committed the grossest atrocities, subverted governments for our own gain, invaded countries we're not at war with, repeatedly and...
  9. smokinrav


    That's a dangerous game (you just made up in your head)
  10. smokinrav

    The Junk Drawer
  11. smokinrav

    The Junk Drawer

    I was a service man, and had him blasting out of the back of my van so I could hear him. It got seriously embarassing.
  12. smokinrav

    The Junk Drawer

    I listened to him in the 90s railing on about the Clinton's. Went to sports talk radio shortly thereafter
  13. smokinrav

    The Junk Drawer

    Fun song, but missing the most important bit, the biplane torpedo bomber that hit a one in a million shot into Bismark's rudders.
  14. smokinrav

    The Junk Drawer

    Car and Driver has some nice tributes to PJ on its website. Worth a read. He was as funny as it got in the 1980s and 9 The obituary...
  15. smokinrav

    The Junk Drawer

    I was a clergy husband for 20 years, we had 7 rural churches in that time (Methodists love to switch churches :shrug:) The churches we had were all white and almost all old. Very old, even. And all hard core Republican. It was the same way at virtually every denomination in every small town we...
  16. smokinrav


    Putin doesn't want war with the US, NATO, or anyone else. He'll be destroyed by soldiers or their trainees with years of recent experience in asymmetrical warfare. Biden doesn't want war because Americans are war weary. But we do have the troops, experience, equipment, satellites, air and naval...
  17. smokinrav

    Veterans...Get the hell in here now!

    Lit cigar chomping...."now open your God damn bibles to the fucking Psalms and read that shit out loud!"
  18. smokinrav

    Veterans...Get the hell in here now!

    Oh lord, hordes of wild pigs are coming for the Civil servants next!
  19. smokinrav

    Veterans...Get the hell in here now!

    Oh no! A bunny made it past all security to make it to the Pentagon courtyard! The Russians are coming! "“It is currently living peacefully somewhere in the Pentagon’s courtyard, a location that is likely the most heavily guarded rabbit burrow on the planet… that is until the restaurant in the...
  20. smokinrav

    Convoy? ..Convoy!

    No, the National Guard is for that. Fortunately Virginia and Maryland have robust National guard presence. The "takeover" would be done in 48 hours. That's why the American cowards chose Canada.