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  1. M

    What's more important, temp or RH?

    Depends if your plant is Mold resistant as mine are temp brings more stress to the plant but rh is the cause of bud rot, mine are Mold resistant and it sits in the 60’s rh no problem
  2. M

    Buddah auto seedling not growing.

    Indoor or out? Looks like it’s having some light stress with the leaves pointing straight up like that, with water just lightly must the base every other day
  3. M

    Will I get better yields by cutting some plants?

    How big is your tent? It looks small for 9 plants
  4. M

    Stealth grow, how many plants and pot size help needed

    I’d do just one, mainlined, and pull a nice pound or more from it in a 10l pot
  5. M

    Dropping top colas

    Well you caused it no doubt of this, but you can get a big stick or dowel or something along those lines secure it and tie a free part of the bud to it. It’s caused by the bud weighing more than the stem can handle, just needs the extra support
  6. M

    Upgrade my fan

    Never said it was but it is the best way
  7. M

    How longs to long.

    Looks good to me the hairs are all shrivelled and brown
  8. M

    Fusing Lobes

    Keep us updated!
  9. M

    Upgrade my fan

    Temperate controller or not doesn’t make a difference if you’re pulling hot outside air into the room, invest in a air conditioner for the room the tent is in or a smaller one for the tent
  10. M

    flowering period

    I like molasses, and by compost you’re referring to compost tea? I hear that’s the good shit if you can properly make it
  11. M

    Leaves changing color, getting older or else?

    So heads up with the soil thing because I grow in soil too, the ph does rise when it dries out but only minimally say a .5 anymore would be caused by extra nutrients in the medium
  12. M

    Fusing Lobes

    Seed genetics are kind of like people they vary from one to the other, if they’re still throwing new growth let it happen, if you have the room or if not can top and manipulate that’d be best, otherwise you could try regular light and slowly try to add bloom nutes and see what happens
  13. M

    What's wrong with her?

    Looks great to me, dense hard nugs, yellow leaves from use of nitrogen, and flushed for a bit, I see no problem at all. That black or dark purple looks like genetics it’s natural
  14. M

    Strange pH problem in flowering stage, changing to tap water from RO

    What kind of water? Town, city, well water? Can be the type of filtration each separate one uses could make it high in certain minerals
  15. M

    AM I clean enough for a drug test?

    urine testing only Occasional users (up to three times a week): 3 days Moderate users (four times a week): 5 to 7 days Chronic users (daily): 10 to 15 days Chronic heavy users (multiple times a day): more than 30 days For blood Cannabis is fat soluble just remember to time may also vary...
  16. M

    Fusing Lobes

    With autos I’ve noticed you don’t need to induce them with 12/12, they’ll go when they’re ready and you can still do 16 hrs of sun
  17. M

    Time to start training?

    Sounds good man the thicker the stem the more woody and brittle it gets just beware. Training the smallest flimsy stems is best
  18. M

    Is this K defeciency?

    Fox farm bloom nutes? I also used 50/50 bloom veg nutes until around week 3 flower and then switched to full bloom and tons of it
  19. M

    Fan leaves drying out at the bottom (going pale green, not yellow, not falling off)

    If you have 3 weeks or less till harvest I wouldn’t worry about the yellowing, especially with the lack of nitro nutes. Leaves look like their pointing up qhich could be too much light without the burn or magnesium def
  20. M

    Is this K defeciency?

    What week of flower are you in? Looks like regular nitrogen usage to me