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  1. max316420

    Would this work?

    ya that's what i was talking about lol.. I know one of my local hardware stores sells it for like 10 bucks each
  2. max316420

    Ahhh Poop... Husk removed and worried about seedlings...

    He is absolutely right on what he just said
  3. max316420

    Yellow/brown spots, 3 weeks of flowering (yes, another one of these!)

    Don't worry about rep, means nothing to me.. I just like to help my fellow gardeners out.
  4. max316420

    Strain help!

    They actually don't look bad at all, only problem I see is that you should wait to put the in the buckets because when they are that young and you water them, with there being that much soil in there it will stay wet for too long and starve the roots of oxygen. just don't overwater and let soil...
  5. max316420

    Yellow/brown spots, 3 weeks of flowering (yes, another one of these!)

    This is how you wanna look at it, you plant won't show signs of def until it has really set in good so it could take a while to correct itself. You won't get green leaves back but the yellowing will stop. Having a mag def will slow down growth greatly and make the plant unhealthy. I might have...
  6. max316420

    Yellow/brown spots, 3 weeks of flowering (yes, another one of these!)

    I would supplement the rest of your grow, won't hurt a bit..
  7. max316420

    Would this work?

    Don't let paranoia get the best of you lol
  8. max316420

    Would this work?

    With only a couple of plants I don't think you'll have to worry about the odor. You can always get those odor absorbers that come in like a plastic jar.. I have heard they work pretty well.
  9. max316420

    Lights went out

    your good... what do you mean by you electric meter ran outta money?
  10. max316420

    Is it normal for some clone transplants to fail? Any tips for saving them?

    I know this is off subject but I have tried just about every cloning method out there and BY FAR the easiest is to keep it simple. I cut my clones, put them in promix and within a week they always root, I don't even get any discoloration.. Promix is great for cloning
  11. max316420

    help with leaf prob with pic

    IMO tho lime doesn't provide enough to keep the plant happy, so supplementing with a calmag would work
  12. max316420

    Strain help!

    over loving your ladies....
  13. max316420

    Yellow/brown spots, 3 weeks of flowering (yes, another one of these!)

    other then a slight def those ladies look really good
  14. max316420

    Strain help!

    Do you have any pics? Sorry I guess I should have read the whole post first
  15. max316420

    Strain help!

    you might wanna check in the seed and strain review section
  16. max316420

    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    It's not to much of anything... that's not even what nitrogen burn looks like
  17. max316420

    problem after flushing continued, with pic.

    Dude that is lacking magnesium, you flushed out whatever was in there and now they are starving for it. That is what is causing the yellowing
  18. max316420

    Is it normal for some clone transplants to fail? Any tips for saving them?

    Sometimes transplanting then can shock them, only real thing you can do is wait and see what happens.. The more you try to do the more likely your gonna do damage