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  1. Hashishh

    Hashishh' Granddaddy Purple by The Native Seed Co (Canada) - Input welcomed and encouraged

    Could be a combination of all, but both our plants look heavily indica dominant and I've heard there isn't much stretch to them. I'm hoping for more than a couple inches as mine will be flowered at around the same height as yours. I figured I'd ask so I can make a solid game plan with this...
  2. Hashishh

    Hashishh' Granddaddy Purple by The Native Seed Co (Canada) - Input welcomed and encouraged

    Hey Rob, transplant went okay, roots weren't as filled out as I had hoped but they were starting to poke through the bottom. Everything looked great, no complaints. Now it's just the waiting game. They look pretty damn good to me! They're probably just bulking up now. How much did yours stretch...
  3. Hashishh

    Can helicopters spot seedling plants?

    If you're that paranoid already I'd move them. It's fire season out our way so we're getting a lot of air traffic at the moment.
  4. Hashishh

    Hashishh' Granddaddy Purple by The Native Seed Co (Canada) - Input welcomed and encouraged

    You guys like some bush in the morning? I know I do! :hump: So I'm going to transplant the Green Crack seedlings today as they're starting to outgrow their pot. These pics were 5-10 mins before lights out so it'll have to wait until lights on. Will start training them within the week as...
  5. Hashishh

    Hashishh' Granddaddy Purple by The Native Seed Co (Canada) - Input welcomed and encouraged

    I'd say most things are. I haven't grown weed in years and never was great at it to begin with but I've been growing lots of veggies. I can do almost anything to them and they'll just bounce back. Weed is just so sensitive to everything. Not sure if it's the strains I'm growing or what but...
  6. Hashishh

    Hashishh' Granddaddy Purple by The Native Seed Co (Canada) - Input welcomed and encouraged

    I got real paranoid about what I use for this cause I didn't want it to cut the plant at all, and all I could find around the house was some yarn (props to the girlfriend on that one) and I see everyone tying knots but what's the point? I just basket the yarn around the branch and tie it down...
  7. Hashishh

    Hashishh' Granddaddy Purple by The Native Seed Co (Canada) - Input welcomed and encouraged

    The three leaf plant? I wouldn't be quite surprised. I slightly (okay.. Badly) overwatered a couple of them during the soil to seedling phase and probably 2 or 3 of the seeds that didn't sprout are my fault. I didn't know environmental factors could contribute to any kind of mutations. I...
  8. Hashishh

    Hashishh' Granddaddy Purple by The Native Seed Co (Canada) - Input welcomed and encouraged

    That's what I figured most do, but growth seems faster when they're undisturbed versus when I tie the new growth. Though I've got a hard time tying stuff down gently.
  9. Hashishh

    Hashishh' Granddaddy Purple by The Native Seed Co (Canada) - Input welcomed and encouraged

    Lol I'll have to look into it. I'm sure if my old lady heard the name I'd have friggin seeds in the mail by Tuesday haha. On another note, after LSTing, I know my auxins have switched focus to other branches on the plants, but should I continuously tie down the branches that seem to become...
  10. Hashishh

    Hashishh' Granddaddy Purple by The Native Seed Co (Canada) - Input welcomed and encouraged

    I didn't even realize this site had signatures until smokebros brought it up. Not sure if I just can't see them on my phone or what. I'll try to search it. Lol zombie death fuck, I like it! I'm definitely gonna take a look! Good luck man keep smokin! :bigjoint:
  11. Hashishh

    Hashishh' Granddaddy Purple by The Native Seed Co (Canada) - Input welcomed and encouraged

    Right on man! You got a grow journal going? I'd love to follow along as well! I've got some Green Crack just barely ahead of your GDP and it'd be cool to compare
  12. Hashishh

    Hashishh' Granddaddy Purple by The Native Seed Co (Canada) - Input welcomed and encouraged

    Hi SB! I appreciate the kind words. Consistency seems to be my weak point. I'm getting better but I think patience and consistency will come in time. At least I hope! Lol. I think I actually went through one of your threads already a few weeks ago, I'll have to take a better look. Always...
  13. Hashishh

    Hashishh' Granddaddy Purple by The Native Seed Co (Canada) - Input welcomed and encouraged

    Haha right on man nice stuff! Unfortunately mine isn't a cut, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's completely different from actual cut of GDP but I was planning on making the temps a little cooler during the end of flower to promote some colours in the bud and leaves. I'll be definitely taking a...
  14. Hashishh

    Federal government approves first device for testing drivers' saliva for cannabis

    Time to start smoking spice to avoid losing our licenses.
  15. Hashishh

    Hashishh' Granddaddy Purple by The Native Seed Co (Canada) - Input welcomed and encouraged

    Hey thanks for the reply that looks deadly! I just did my first small round of LST on it last night. This is it this morning. Sorry for the low quality pic, took it under the light quick before work. Crazy how in the course of 9 or 10 hours the lower branches are already reaching up and...
  16. Hashishh

    official scorecard

    9 to 0, sounds like they're winning to me! No?....
  17. Hashishh

    Canada’s New Cannabis Driving Law Allows Cops to Conduct Roadside Tests Whenever They Want

    "Canadian politicians must also decide what level of THC is impermissible two hours before driving—a task that has proven difficult in legal states like California. Government officials have said that law enforcement will operate on a “zero tolerance” policy when it comes to impaired driving...
  18. Hashishh

    Old school glass pipes

    Damn dude that's some nice work! Do you do bongs and stuff too? I've been trying to find a nice beaker bong but everything I could find the last 4 years has percs and crap.