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  1. Mcgician

    Help A girl out Please!!PICS ++rep

    Hey, where did you find that chart? I've been looking for something like that, but haven't been able to find one. Well, quite as clear and useful that is. It's weird how Ca and Mg have two different non-connected points of absorbtion in hydro, but are virtually identical in soil. Any idea...
  2. Mcgician

    36 Site Aeroflo: Platinum Bubba Kush

    Yes, you have to have one for the ice box, and in your case (aeroflow), one for your resevoir. You are only using one 1000HPS right? If so, you'll be fine with the two chillers you have. Their website (hydro innovations) says to allow 1/4 HP for each 1000 watt light. So, if you plan to add...
  3. Mcgician

    What is this little white spot? First time medical grower

    Man, I have that too. Was wondering the same thing. At first I thought is was some kind of egg from an insect, but I've been rigorously checking for any signs of them, and I can't find any. I don't know what they are either, but if I had to take a guess, maybe excess calcium? *shrugs*
  4. Mcgician

    Calcium Def. 2weeks from harvest

    Maybe this will help.
  5. Mcgician

    What's your 10 year plan?

    Just glad to meet somebody that has a 10 year plan- lol. Damn dude, good luck with all that. All I know is, I changed my goals numerous times over the course of time and have a lot to be grateful for, but also have some regrets. I think that's inevitable though, no matter what anyone decides, or...
  6. Mcgician

    the "chill, bro" mentality: pot culture at it's worst!

    The funny thing is, almost all the people truly "chilled out" won't bother to post in this thread. Lol. Btw, I think they deleted my thread that spawned this one. Lolol!
  7. Mcgician

    if my power goes out???

    Let me be the first to say, that's not a stupid question. A really good one actually. A lot better than someone asking if it's ok to rip farts around their I've never done DWC growing myself, but so long as the plants have adequate water, they should live for at least a couple...
  8. Mcgician

    36 Site Aeroflo: Platinum Bubba Kush

    Sweet, another Ice Box grower! Got two myself for my thou'ees. I fucked up though and got only one 1/4 hp chiller for 2 lights. It doens't keep the res cool enough to completely keep temperatures in total control, but luckily I don't have to worry about ridiculous temps too often anyway. The...
  9. Mcgician

    Fan help,air cooled hood?

    I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record with this, but I can't reiterate enough that if you decide to use a cooltube, you're going to lose quite a bit lighting performance. Those "batwing" style reflectors have proven to be the worst at putting light down on your plants. Only thing...
  10. Mcgician

    Leaves have bulges

    May I ask what you keep your pH at? I've found that during times of heat stress, the plants prefer a slightly higher pH. In my case, I've found my plants' sweet spot as far as that goes. It's 6.2-.3, and I use rockwool. Most threads will suggest a pH of 5.5 to 6.3, and while at times I've...
  11. Mcgician

    Am I the only one that likes couch lock?

  12. Mcgician

    Aero Garden thingy

  13. Mcgician

    Guess I should say hi?

    I can dig that. Glad to meet ya.
  14. Mcgician

    i really need medical help!!!!

    Man, sorry to hear about your pain, but some of those stories are pretty damn funny. We've got to be somewhat similar in age based on the length of both of our medical "war stories" lol. Particularly funny was that spill on the water at about 60mph. Same kind of thing happened to me, except I...
  15. Mcgician

    Grow house bust , FLIR

    17lbs of herb sounds like alot, but they didn't say if the weight they measured was dried bud, wet bud, or freshly chopped down plants. Also, 204 plants sounds like a lot too, but how many of those plants were small clones? I know there's many out there that ALWAYS take more cuttings than they...
  16. Mcgician

    DaGambler's 4k HPS 99 Plant Hempy Grow

    Wow man, that's quite an investment, and quite a setup. Huge props. Judging by your list I take it you're going to be using perlite as your medium? Any particular reason why you chose that? IMO, you should either switch to rockwool or coco. Keep in mind though, with coco you'll have to...
  17. Mcgician

    How long to keep res/nute mix??

    I wish I was lucky enough to be able to change my nutrient solution that often, but every two weeks is where I'm at. My res is 70 gallons, is a BITCH to try and move around, drain, and clean, and it's filled to only about 50, so I can top it off with water as the plants suck the water from it...
  18. Mcgician

    9k first grow

    Wow man, incredible! Having taken a long hiatus from growing and having just got back into it somewhat recently, believe me, I KNOW how much work that is. Especially if you're doing it solo. Big props for that. I have just a couple suggestions. First, I noticed that you are using a Can-Fan...
  19. Mcgician

    outdoor cali grow

    Dude, can't your neighbors see your plants? You're not worried about them getting jacked? Damn..........
  20. Mcgician

    Cool Tube with a Wing or Magnum XXXL 8"

    I wouldn't have recommended a reflector with an 8" hole anyway. I've tried searching for the thread I got alot of the info I've collected, but the search function on here kinda sucks. I can't seem to find it anywhere. It was referred to me by bostongeorge54. Too much light escapes out the...