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  1. Mcgician

    Moving to northern cali!

    I have family in Myrtle Beach actually. Also, have family in Ohio, Chicago, Iowa, and Kansas City. Personally, I think tilemaster was right on. Although, there are MANY parts of the Bay Area that are NOT ghetto, and are plenty nice, and the laws don't get any friendlier for growing cannabis.
  2. Mcgician

    Moving to northern cali!

    I lived in SoCal for the last 35 years before recently moving. It's NOT hot all year long, usually the weather is really, really nice. Summers are obviously going to be a LITTLE warmer, but this summer up here so far we've hit 101 4 different days. And btw, people are just as judgemental here...
  3. Mcgician

    A freaking answer would be appreciated!!!!

    Lol. +1. Lol. :joint::joint::joint:
  4. Mcgician

    Moving to northern cali!

    I live somewhere not too far away from what you're talking about, but I won't say exactly where. Let me also add, that in Oakland and SF, there are no limits on plant restrictions. :)
  5. Mcgician

    Gnats are getting on my nerves.

    For many of the things it lists that it gets rid of, it is not a sure fire solution. Thrips are extraordinarily pesky to get rid of, and neem oil will do a decent job, but it never seems to rid them completely. And for powdery mildew, I've never heard of using it for that. The spores are...
  6. Mcgician

    PPM over time... and the gradual intorduction of flowering nutes.

    You know, I really do think you should get a PPM meter even if you're not experiencing any problems. Knowing what's going on with your plants' nutrient uptake, or lack thereof will be a good learning tool if nothing else. They're only about 60-70 bucks. Well worth the money if you ask me.
  7. Mcgician

    A Glenn Beck Thread

    You assume too much. You didn't watch the link I posted for Trees of Life did you? Here it is again.
  8. Mcgician

    How to use a sulfur vaporizer?

    Good luck getting any answers. I posted a thread just hours ago asking something about doing a suphur burn. I got no responses. I did a sulphur burn just today for powdery mildew. It hadn't manifested itself that bad, but I wasn't about to let it ruin the entire crop. I ran my sulphur...
  9. Mcgician

    PPM over time... and the gradual intorduction of flowering nutes.

    I top my resevoir off with fresh water quite a bit. I wish I could change the res once a week, but with where it is, and how it is situated, it is a MAJOR pain in the ass. Sometimes though, I'll actually see the PPMs drop. Other times, (most oftenly) they go up though. Different pH levels...
  10. Mcgician

    Gnats are getting on my nerves.

  11. Mcgician

    A Glenn Beck Thread

    Our cause? What exactly is "our cause"? Mine is small limited government. One that doesn't get between me and what I do. What's yours?
  12. Mcgician

    A Glenn Beck Thread

    Man, you are SERIOUSLY jaded. Take a look at the corporate connections the Obama administration has in it's own staff connected to Goldman Sachs! The only people to truly benefit from ANY of the bills being passed through Congress, AND NOT EVEN READ, are the big corporations. Fox does...
  13. Mcgician

    A Glenn Beck Thread

    Really? How about what he says in this bit?
  14. Mcgician

    Doing a Sulphur Burn

    Nevermind then. I turned the lights on about 10 minutes ago, and things look like they're going to be fine. Thanks for the help everybody....LoL.
  15. Mcgician

    Doing a Sulphur Burn

    Nobody's done one of these? Come on people, help me out here.
  16. Mcgician

    Help A girl out Please!!PICS ++rep

    I use GoGnats, and it works really well. One of the hydroshops around here told me they had to take it off shelves recently because of a labeling issue, but that once they get that fixed it will be back on store shelves and will be the exact same product. You can still get it online though. Try...
  17. Mcgician

    8 weeks and leaves turning brown

    Maybe this can help you.
  18. Mcgician

    Doing a Sulphur Burn

    I noticed an extremely small amount of powdery mildew on the bottom leaves of some of my plants. I chopped all of those off, and hoped for the best. I really am surprised how it got there in the first place because my humidity rarely even gets as high as 60%, and the exhaust is constantly...
  19. Mcgician

    Help A girl out Please!!PICS ++rep

    Have you checked for fungus gnats? Even if there are only a few, in only a matter of days they can lay hundreds of eggs. They turn into larvae which eat at the root system, and can cause horrible disease and infections. I'd try treating the root system with something that will kill off the...
  20. Mcgician

    1000 watt HPS 6 plants

    Dude, I hope you're in flowering at this point. Those things are going to be too sparse if you wait any longer. Looking good otherwise. Good luck.