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  1. Mcgician

    Swine Flu

    Remember bird flu? Wasn't that supposed to wipe out the world too? Relax. Fear is what the government feeds on. Makes you go to them for the rescue. IMO, it has more to do with money and power than anything else. Oh, and so much for socialized "free" medicine. Looks like it's handling the...
  2. Mcgician

    For the Tranceheads...

    A few recent tracks I've really been digging... agYDOacFuDU WpGIvmT842U twYkIkK9hXs
  3. Mcgician

    Electricity Canada and the Cops

    I would also suggest you check out rockwool as a substrate, or even Sure to Grow. The latter is actually polyester fibers. Totally inert, non-wicking, and you remain in control of the hydroponic nutrient solution.
  4. Mcgician

    Anyone using O2 concentrator?

    Interesting. Would it be worth the cost and effort?
  5. Mcgician

    Negative Ion Generator

    My bad. I must've got confused. They are definitely different.
  6. Mcgician

    Negative Ion Generator

    If you don't exhaust or intake any fresh air, your plant is going to be scraggly and might actually die. Also, those ozone generators need to be OUTSIDE your grow room, or in the ducting. If left on in the grow room, they will kill your plants too. You MUST have intake and exhaust in the...
  7. Mcgician

    OK I'm freaking the fuck out right now. Come in here and help me.

    You spell better than 80% of the people on this site while you're totally freaking out. Trust me, you'll be fine. I had a similar experience one time after using bleach to clean out a huka bong I had. Turns out, I didn't rinse it out well enough, and I thought my heart was going to pound...
  8. Mcgician

    Anyone Tired of all these cali people thinkin cali is so great?

    West Coast>East Coast. End of story. lol
  9. Mcgician

    if your stoned what are you munchin on right now?

    Right now I've got some of this with wheat thins.......SO FUCKING GOOD!
  10. Mcgician

    HELP!!! Gnat Problem

    GoGnats worked well for me. I also heard that Ed Rosenthal's "zero tolerance" is good too, but much more expensive. Most like because of the amount of cinnamon oil he puts in it. GoGnats has several different ingredients, but the most pronounced is cedar oil. Seen those dog beds at Costco...
  11. Mcgician

    Pistil TIPS browning at 3 weeks flowering?

    Well, I just checked on the plants again, and it appears that almost ALL of the budding sites have the exact same look to them. They all appear to be doing it. Even if there was an errant gust of wind with male pollen in it, that somehow made its way into my growroom, I doubt there could've been...
  12. Mcgician

    Pistil TIPS browning at 3 weeks flowering?

    Interesting. Do only some strains do that then? The strains I've grown in the past never really did that, at least that I can recall. :confused: Thanks for the help.
  13. Mcgician

    Pistil TIPS browning at 3 weeks flowering?

    Well, thanks for trying to help. If there's nothing I can do about it, time spent worrying about it is time wasted. There have got to be others out there that have seen this though. It just kinda bugs me not to know for sure.
  14. Mcgician

    Pistil TIPS browning at 3 weeks flowering?

    No, I have no males around anywhere. Are you trying to say that's indicative of pollination? God I hope not. I do use an active intake of fresh outside air, so it could be a remote possibility. And yes, I tried to take pics, but my camera is only 9 MP and they just didn't come out well at...
  15. Mcgician

    Cloning with rockwool trouble

    Based on what you're doing, it should be working for you. Let me tell you what's worked for me. I have basically the same environment as you. Last time I cloned, I had a 95% success rate. I did almost the exact same thing as you, but what I noticed was I actually was using too much light...
  16. Mcgician

    Pistil TIPS browning at 3 weeks flowering?

    I searched Google and this forum for an answer, but didn't find a definitive one. I noticed that just the TIPS of some of the plants' pistils are turning brown, and they're only 3+ weeks into flower. They've got a pretty cozy environment most of the time, but I have treated the resevoir...
  17. Mcgician

    Sotomayor Refuses to Renounce 'Wise Latina' Word

    What's up with the finger dude? Most of what I said was a monologue. The only thing I specifically mentioned that was incorrect (that you said) was that the SC is higher than that of the state of Pennsylvania. WTF?
  18. Mcgician

    The Second Amendment according to

    Facists occupy the white house, that's why. State>Individual, plain and simple.
  19. Mcgician

    Sotomayor Refuses to Renounce 'Wise Latina' Word

    Judges should be difficult to identify politically, as the Constitution does not change. If they would merely refer to that instead of supining on their own, we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place. The problem I have with liberal rulings (most of the time) is that they aim...