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  1. A

    Help diagnose leave plant problems

    What nutes were you using for the tomato plant ? Regular tomato bloom stuff ? My tomato plant same thing almost same mix with some added granulars and it did same thing I just gave it 2 doses of fish Fert and some end of my teas diluted more and it has been very happy. I can get my normal...
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    Help diagnose leave plant problems

    Yeah I think the npk in the promix organic is what was keeping them balanced. The slow release stuff and when it ran out i was either behind or ahead and started problems. They say slow release is bad but I think it’s what helped me in the beginning. Who knows. Was some new organic granules...
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    Help diagnose leave plant problems

    I started trying a flush Which is not really for organic type grow but just in case of some salts from anything or a build up or just dry pockets in my 35 bags I did. Did a light dressing and it did seem to help. Then they got light so I started trying foliars before I was to into flower so I...
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    Help diagnose leave plant problems

    What have you been feeding it ? What soil? Indoor/outdoor? Or any other details will help someone try to help you
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    Help diagnose leave plant problems

    Man these 2 are getting worse by the minute. Part of the pots say it’s time to water and some parts do not. Kinda love and hate the fabric pots. Or maybe I have groups of roots ? I have a lot of roots top bottom middle they are everywhere lol
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    Help diagnose leave plant problems

    I thought I was beginning week 4 yesterday but it’s just a guess from when preflower started and the day I saw buds with white tops I counted as 1st day of flower. But again could be off. If they are 2 weeks I really fucked up the timing lol but have had buds longer then 2 weeks
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    Help diagnose leave plant problems

    Oh. So I had thought I was early. I thought being organic I wanted to get into bloom just before preflower or there a pita with lighter additions of bloom nutes then during preflower I thought another and then flower more of a 50/50 then the rest full bloom. I may have messed that up and did...
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    Help diagnose leave plant problems

    Just calibrated blue labs soil pen. Depending on top bottom or mid way they range from 6.5-7.4 in ph. Funny the best girl is in the higher ph range but they all are all over. 6.8-7.2 would be the tighter average range. I imagine from all the oyster shell flour and promix hp having lime that...
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    Help diagnose leave plant problems

    Throughout the beginning they got mostly molasses, kelp, bat guano, de, Epsom salt and organic granular all purpose food that was slow releases. As I learned more and plants grew I got into afalfa meals and insect frass along with mycos for veg and bloom, as time went one I got more amendments...
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    Help diagnose leave plant problems

    Hi, yes both alaskan products fish and morbloom. I only have used fish emulsion partly throughout the grow and yes I have daily notes in my phone of what and when i did for the most part anyways. I only tried morbloom once and not alot and feel it may have caused me problems but i do see alot...
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    Help diagnose leave plant problems

    never Ph anything untill mid grow. tap with filter on hose runs 7-8. I started phing with apple cider vinegar but read it is not good so now not sure what to do in that regard. 6-6.4 in and i only checked run off this last time and it was 7-7.2 ish. soil usually between 6.5-7.2 as it...
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    Help diagnose leave plant problems

    Well that was nice and blunt,,, i like blunt lol. I know they are suppose to die just not yet. I also know i messed up the organic grow as i started late and did not have a solid plan, started with 1/2 the wrong soil that had food and did not get the hang of it til mid way and have a solid...
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    Help diagnose leave plant problems

    Also. How the hell do you fix a lock out if it is in a organic grow and it’s amendments breaking down at different times lol ugh
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    Help diagnose leave plant problems

    If it’s not nute burn then suggestions have been all over and hard to read between the lines.
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    Help diagnose leave plant problems

    its an organic grow. But the base soil was not amended heavily. They look worse today and are moving downhill way faster then they were before. It’s water day today worse case tomorrow. I thought I had lots in the pots for food. I tried giving the worst one a balanced bottle feed to see...
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    Help diagnose leave plant problems

    Thanks. I was thinking that too but I have top dressed quite a bit. But being new I really don’t know. 2 are great and 2 are line that. Possible slightly over water but would be as often not too much cause I have fabric pots. I just gave them a flower top dress the other day as well
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    Help diagnose leave plant problems

    Hello, Had another thread but wanted to post a new one with the most recent dead or dying leaves in hope it sparks something. I figure before I try to explain again what’s been going on a blank canvas for ideas might be helpful. Thank you for any help
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    Problem with organic outdoor grow

    Anyone ? I’m starting to feel like there not going to make it. The colour is draining and spotty, rusty spots and edges, I’m starting to get worried. They look worse every hour now. They should be ready for water tomorrow maybe Monday. Please feel free to share anything that may be of some...
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    Problem with organic outdoor grow

    Well here are the 2 Misbehaving ladies. The other 2 are doing well. 1 never had an issue ever and the other has bounced back and had a different issue with different leave problems and believe I corrected it. These 2 are being grumpy. The one was ok but this week not so much. I’m back to...