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  1. V

    Average yield

    Probably not even that I was refering to the first post lol mine are nowhere near ready to be flipped..I'm gonna let them grow to about 2.5ft before i flip but here's some pics anyway
  2. V

    Average yield

    I was going to say that's crazy! Bet you would get 2-3 oz prob not even that..if you flipped it at a foot tall..
  3. V

    Average yield

    Growing 1 plant a foot tall in veg could yield a pound??
  4. V

    How many lux for cloning?

    Too be fair mate I've still got mine under 600w dual spec hps and they're doing fine..nice an green still after 3 days under hps and starting to stand fully upright
  5. V

    How many lux for cloning?

    I've ordered a propagation tent with fluorescent light and a aeroponics propagator, ment to have very very high success rate.. should do the job nicely
  6. V

    Dumb question maybe..

    4 days difference. Quite happy with them!
  7. V

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    4 days difference..think they're definatly getting on track now!
  8. V

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Yeah definatly thanks a lot for the help mate. That's what I'm going to do then.. I think they're definatly ready for it..gave them a litre each this morning and there was no run off.. where as last week I was getting 30% run off
  9. V

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    I can also see roots through the top inch of coco so surely they must be rooted out by now?
  10. V

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    I'm using biobizz grow+bloom and on they're schedule it says water 2-3 times per week.. so if I've gotta water everyday should I half the amount of nutes I'm giving them an just feed them everyday then? It also says to use nutes with every watering
  11. V

    Dumb question maybe..

    Cheers mate. They got topped at 4th node, if I flipped them now I would really yield much would I? They only about 20cm in hight.. they look really healthy and doing loads better now I only water twice a week with a 3 day gap between. They should be noticibly bigger I think but due to listening...
  12. V

    How many lux for cloning?

    My propagator has a dome .. but the clones are on there 3rd day an the stems are still bent over but the leaves at the top are facing this normal at this stage?
  13. V

    Dumb question maybe..

    Absolutely amazing to be fair..all good. I'l put some pics up later.
  14. V

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    My idea of heaven haha I'd be rate proud of myself if that was my grow!
  15. V

    How many lux for cloning?

    I'm getting one of those in a few week called an aeroponics propagator they look mint an almost 100% success rate
  16. V

    HELP!! Roots showing through the top inch of coco??

    Cheers for the info matey! I've got a spare 10L bag of perlite so il add that too them then.. Good idea that is
  17. V

    Dumb question maybe..

    FIM I ment btw
  18. V

    Seedling question

    Definatly needs pulling off
  19. V

    Dumb question maybe..

    Untopped= 1 topped once=2 topped twice=6 etc or train your plant in other ways..if you FIN it youl get 4 tops
  20. V

    HELP!! Roots showing through the top inch of coco??

    After checking the top inch of coco to see if it was dry..I noticed there are roots showing in the top inch.. I've only noticed them since I started watering every 3 days.. instead of everyday.. the only thing I can think of is that the roots are searching for water? Is this normal or do i need...