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  1. V

    How many lux for cloning?

    Unfortunately it's always freezing where I'm from mate so defo not an option for me
  2. V

    How many lux for cloning?

    Is yours a tent or an actual room? What light you using?
  3. V

    How many lux for cloning?

    Yeah your definatly right mate gotta try different things to see what works.. I've got another tent coming in a week an half so I'm gonna get a t5 light an it already comes with a 125w cfl so I'm gonna keep that one as my veg/clone tent
  4. V

    Things to Know About Lighting

    How much do those leds cost? How much do those mars leds cost mate?
  5. V

    Things to Know About Lighting

    How much do those leds cost?
  6. V

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    yeah I have been doing these past 2 weeks mate I've been watering twice a week maximum, I was watering everyday because I got told to with Coco.. caused no end of problems cos of it.. now I water Monday & Thursday's 500ml per plant with 3/4 strength nutes. Temp ranges between 23-25 and humidity...
  7. V

    How many lux for cloning?

    Would I be best off leaving the propagator on the window sill? I haven't got a fluorescent yet will be getting one next week so until them I'm clueless as to what I should do.. I thought maybe put them under a small cfl house light..but it's only 11w
  8. V

    How many lux for cloning?

    The clones are already in the propagator mate just havnt got the right light for it and can't get one tiĺ I get gotta make do with what I got.. I know not to put them directly under 600w that would be far too much but would they root if left the propagator outside the tent so they don't...
  9. V

    Are my 5 week old plants getting enough lux? Is humidity an temp ok too?

    One point I forgot to mention actually.. the leaves are curling up not down.. does overwatering cause leaves to curl up? Thought it made the curl's a pic
  10. V

    How many lux for cloning?

    The part of UK I'm from barely sees any sum haha so would I be fine with my 600w dual spec? If so at what distance?
  11. V

    Are my 5 week old plants getting enough lux? Is humidity an temp ok too?

    This post has helped me MASSIVELY!! I'm glad you mentioned the over I know for definate that I have been doing..well for the first 3 that's most likely what's wrong then isn't it? Because the light at 18 inch away still leaves the temp between 24-25 which is fine for...
  12. V

    Are my 5 week old plants getting enough lux? Is humidity an temp ok too?

    I'm going to be investing in another inline fan an some ducting soon an connecting the ducting to the wall vent leading down to the bottom port of my tent to bring fresh cool air in the dilemma is..there's only 1 vent so if I being cool air in from that vent and keep the tent...
  13. V

    How many lux for cloning?

    I'm sure this would only apply to plants grown out the ground from seed..and start forming roots. Not cuttings..they have to be cut an rooted manually by us humans..
  14. V

    Are my 5 week old plants getting enough lux? Is humidity an temp ok too?

    I'm new to growing so don't know everything yet but I'm pretty sure the light is too much for them at that hight with them only being 5 week old.. because at that distance the temp goes to 25 which is fine.. but the leaves still curl..I've got an a 5inch carbon filter with inline fat set up an 2...
  15. V

    How many lux for cloning?

    Yeah your right matey going to get one for next grow.. this is dual spectrum though so should be fine
  16. V

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Although for weeks old theyre abit small..but I think that's from over watering for the first 2-week
  17. V

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    I hope it's more towards the 20 oz haha but I'd be more than happy with 10+ as it's my first grow.. a friend just told me for exact same setup as mine for his first grow he got 16oz from 4 plants
  18. V

    Are my 5 week old plants getting enough lux? Is humidity an temp ok too?

    600w with digital ballast at exactly 4ft above canopy..I've found that lowering it results in leaf curl..rather be safe than sorry
  19. V

    Do my plants look big enough for 5 weeks old?

    Cheers mate, yeah that's exactly what I thought.. I think it's because I was over watering for the first 3 week as I got told by a friend to water everyday I'm coco..but for the past 2 week I've feeding twice a week an they've improved loads
  20. V

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    How much could I expect to yield from 3 plants using a scrog in a 1.2 x 1.2 grow tent with 600w hps?