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  1. B

    Foliar spray

    Hey there lads. I'm using these nutrients but I want to know which one out of all these I can use when I foliar spray my babies?
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    Using Orca

    It's actually 1-5ml but since I'm using it as a pre soak for my newborn babies I used only 1mlCritical+2.0 all the way
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    Using Orca

    Aye mate around 1ml per 4L
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    Using Orca

    That's what I thought caus em buffers would kill em bacteria right?
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    Using Orca

    Hey there lads. Listen should I use my Orca Premium Liquid Mycorrhizae after I ph my water?
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    Mixing Nutrients

    I've just found some info... While the directions of 3-5 mL are recommended Cal mag dosage on the label, if you’re using it as a preventative measure (rather than correcting an existing problem) then you can go with a weaker ratio such as 1 mL per gallon in soil and coco grows. To me sounds...
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    Mixing Nutrients

    Soil Soil
  8. B

    Mixing Nutrients

    Do you know how often should I use a CalMag? Once a week will do?
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    Mixing Nutrients

    Thanks buddy I appreciate
  10. B

    Mixing Nutrients

    Hello everyone out there. Since I never used a CalMag I have a question. In what order should I mix my CalMag with my usual order which is Connoisseur Bloom then BigBud and B-52? I'm two days away from week 5 of flowering and I ran into calmag deficiencies. Caus my plants are bigger then usual...
  11. B

    Hey there. Can someone help me out here?

    Thanks bud. Will see what's happening if I carry on. Sending you one of my plants...just a wee burn on the tips of em leafs...nothing to be worried about caus they get a plain water every Sunday.
  12. B

    Hey there. Can someone help me out here?

    Fans are blowing as they should mate...and like I said garden is just thriving apart from this baby...humidity is around 65 and plus room is runned by Dimlux Experts series plugged into a computer...can't get my head around mate
  13. B

    Hey there. Can someone help me out here?

    Doesn't look like a nut burn to me. Overwatering I excluded caus my pots are dry everyday and other plants looking bang on. Any ideas tonight?
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    They aren't larvae....I looked closer....thrips.....
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    Thanks mate for real! I looked up on the internet and found the same info!!! Peace out to all you brothers and sisters!
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    Listen I don't have anything at home to use against caus I never in my life had issues with these bastards. What can I use from household? Probably fuck all right?
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    You just saved me! Little bastards eating away!
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    Hey lad. I'll check em when the lights will go on. But I doubt. Must be something wrong with soil. Thanks a bunch for answering
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    Hey there lads! Can someone give me a hand of what is going on? I get them brown spots but what the heck is going on with leafs in general?
  20. B

    Foliar feeding solution strength?

    Did you get your question sorted?