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  1. Mcgician

    Advanced Fanbox Soundproofing

    I actually looked into this kind of thing just today. Check out these links.
  2. Mcgician

    What strains are you growing?

    Man those sativa strains you have going sound off the hook! Can't wait to hear how the Ultra Haze turns out. Definitely let us know! And "Grand" Master Kush? Never heard of that one before, but I have heard of Master Kush. Is there any difference?
  3. Mcgician

    Cool Tube with a Wing or Magnum XXXL 8"

    I spent a lot of time researching the whole temp vs. lumen output/spread topic, and found that it depends quite a bit on the strain you have and the light it requires. If you want the most intense spread of light in a 4 X 4 area, the Super Sun 2 reflector can't be beat. If your choice is to...
  4. Mcgician


    Born there, and btw, it's spelled Ohioans.
  5. Mcgician

    What strains are you growing?

    Seriously? I thought there would be a lot of people too lazy to make a journal (like myself) that would find this type of thread somewhat useful. Anybody?
  6. Mcgician

    Leaf edges curling up

    Look at what's happening. If they're doing that, then I would definitely say yes. My plants bathe in temps around 75-78 lately, and fluctuating humidity of 40-56%. In my case, I'd be hard pressed to say my issue was heat, especially since the lights are on movers. IMO, it's a combination of too...
  7. Mcgician

    Leaf edges curling up

    A couple of my plants are doing that slightly, but only the ones closest to the light. They also seem to be slightly more yellow than the average green. A couple of the other ones I have further from the light are green as hell and have no signs of stress. The only thing I can deduce from...
  8. Mcgician

    What strains are you growing?

    Interesting. I found myself in a similar situation for many years (seedless) with P-91. I was always hoping for a hermaphrodite/seeds, or even a random seed, but it never happened. That Blue Mystic sounds intriguing. Definitely let us know how that one works out.
  9. Mcgician

    What strains are you growing?

    For those that already have journals going, I suppose it's a bit redundant, but I was just curious what strains everybody's got growing? It'd also be cool to hear how you came up with the particular strain(s) you have now, and the thought process in your decision to grow which type(s). I...
  10. Mcgician

    Oh Snap! Palin's Gonna get Indicted

    She accomplished more as MAYOR of Wasilla than Obama did as a Senator hands down. Not only that, but Obama relies on his tenor speaking voice to lull the masses into a state of near hypnosis. I can see it now,........"socialized healthcare is good for you".......tick, tock........."higher energy...
  11. Mcgician

    pot roast can you answer a few questions

    Do you have an air stone in your resevoir? What's the temp of it? The higher the temperature rises in your resevoir, the less available oxygen there is for the plants. Think of it like a beer. This is most likely your cause for the root rot. If you can't get the temp down in the res, make...
  12. Mcgician

    Am I little different?

    Aside from wanting to trade livers with you, I wouldn't change the course of my experiences one bit. Lol. I'm struggling to understand how you could only be 2K in while covering an entire 10' X 20' room. Either you're going to be extremely short on light, or you found some great deals. I have...
  13. Mcgician

    The "Explain your name" thread

    Lol. I can't imagine there are too many Zanes out there. Be careful dude. hahaha. Btw, your plants are fuckin awesome!:clap:
  14. Mcgician

    G13xHaze in Flower - My Unsolvable Problem.

    In my experience, pH drift problems will show the first signs on new growth, not bottom fan leaves. If anything, I agree with the person suggesting a little more nitrogen. Most bloom formulas are so top-heavy with phosphorous that the nitrogen gets kicked to the curb. IMO, add a little...
  15. Mcgician

    Milk for bong water?

  16. Mcgician

    The "Explain your name" thread

    Yes, I know. That's why I tried to warn that one dude on here who called himself Canna........FOR REAL! lmao. On the other side of the coin, there are some pretty unoriginal/noncreative usernames on here too. :(
  17. Mcgician

    Milk for bong water?

  18. Mcgician

    The "Explain your name" thread

    I did magic as a hobby when I was a kid, but swam competitively year round since age 9. When I joined the swim team in high school, (was a 120lb freshman lol) I still won almost every race I swam. Most of my team couldn't believe that a scrawny freshman was making the big kids look small. My...
  19. Mcgician

    Help my plants are curling w/ yellow tips!

    I say raise your pH a little bit. The plants need nitrogen and it is more readily absorbed at a slightly higher pH. Also, back off on the nutes a little.
  20. Mcgician

    Oh Snap! Palin's Gonna get Indicted

    Ok, try to box me into whatever category makes you feel comfortable. The truth is, everyone thinks they're objective when it comes to politics, but we all know that's not true. If you follow my take on issues, and know politics well enough to know what issues fall into what side each fence...