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  1. Mcgician

    check out this set up!!!

    I have a few different stages for my op. T5's for cloning and early vegetative growth, a 400W metal halide and ebb and flow table for vegging in the intermediate stage, and finally 2, 1000W HPS on a LR5 commercial drive with iceboxes for flowering with a top feed drip system on rockwool slabs...
  2. Mcgician

    check out this set up!!!

    Sorry man, I don't mean to be rude. In general though, CFL setups bug the shit out of me. Not your fault. I understand you're just starting out, so I guess it's ok. As far as the section on CFLs goes, look in the subsections of the forum. That should be able to guide you for your grow.
  3. Mcgician

    If someone could take a look at this, it'd really make my day

    Hahaha.......classic. Steals a plant a ends up getting a dud. Awesome. Lol. :clap:
  4. Mcgician

    What's your Beer of pleasure?

    What the hell? Doesn't anybody drink manly beer around here? Newcastle is the only one so far I've heard mentioned so far that does anything for me. I've got quite a few favorites: Anderson Valley Brewing Company's- Poleeko Gold Pale Ale, Winter Solstice Ale, Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout, Boont...
  5. Mcgician

    Safer with bush as president?

    +1 :clap:......
  6. Mcgician

    Oh Snap! Palin's Gonna get Indicted

    It's truly sad Palin has had to endure the amount of bullshit you libs have so desperately tried to make stick to her. Tasteless "journalism" aimed at her family, countless flat out LIES, and frivolous lawsuits, aimed soley at destroying her financially and keeping her engulfed in the...
  7. Mcgician

    check out this set up!!!

    Isn't there a CFL section? So much hype and so little substance. Lol
  8. Mcgician

    G13 Labs Blue Venom

    +1. I've got AK-47, THC BOMB, NL X Skunk1, and one feminized Blue Venom going in veg right now. The Blue Venom EASILY has the fattest leaves of all of them. THC BOMB is the fastest growing at the moment, but not branching much at all. AK is growing as predicted. Medium fast, but with more...
  9. Mcgician


    I've used Superthrive for years. What I've noticed is that it tends to make plants shoot vertically. Compact buds will start to see new shoots growing out of them in mostly vertical directions, but often times outward too. If you're growing a sativa strain, I would not recommend it, but if...
  10. Mcgician

    Grapefruit Dies n Purple Kush vs. LSD, Sour Cream, GWShark, Church and Cheese

    Wow, you've got some great strains you're growing. Looking good! Right now, I'm at the midway point with some Sour Diesel, Black Kush, and Bubblegum. I've heard that Azatrol works extremely well for your bug problem. Definitely look into it.
  11. Mcgician

    Safer with bush as president?

    These guys would've hated ANYTHING Bush did. If he'd saved lives by sending in the air force to strategically bomb terrorists, they would say we're chicken shit and don't have the guts to take them on "fairly". If we sent in troops to kick their ass, well then we're "invaders" and we're...
  12. Mcgician

    Safer with bush as president?

    No question about it. Bush was far more steadfast when it came to protecting America. The problem lies in liberal thinking. They think that if we just give enough concessions, lose our harsh tone, and sit down and talk it over, there's nothing we can't negotiate. What a crock! People that...
  13. Mcgician

    Obama does it again Big brother fines

    ^Couldn't agree more CapK. +rep
  14. Mcgician

    taxed by the mile?

    Yeah, and everyday the list of "sin" taxes seems to grow. You happy about that? I just can't get behind letting an out of control government decide what is and what's not a sin. With nationalized healthcare around the corner, how long before the government starts fining you for not putting in...
  15. Mcgician

    taxed by the mile?

    Whoever keeps claiming that the word liberal=free is an idiot. How much more big government, big brother bullshit does the government have to do to wake you the fuck up? Jeezus!! They want to put a GPS in you car and you call yourself free? Douchebags!
  16. Mcgician

    Obama does it again Big brother fines

    Fuck the majority. Most people are fools that don't pay enough attention to politics because they're too busy in their own lives. They just hear Obama's comforting words that the government will solve global warming and healthcare, and the auto industry, and blah blah blah....and they just...
  17. Mcgician

    Ventilation in Hydroponic Systems

    Yep, Co2 or route the exhaust out your attic instead and use a passive intake. Got an AC vent in the room? Also, Co2 will not eliminate your need to deal with rising humidity. Eventually, you'll have to invest in a dehumidifier, which obviously puts off heat. Then, you'll have to route the...
  18. Mcgician

    Outdoors in Northern Cali.

    Wow man, huge props. Looks like an incredible amount of work just to get going. Hope everything works out for you and you get some incredible smoke. :weed: Oh, and what a trip it was to see that one guy's plant in that upside down planter. Lol.
  19. Mcgician

    "Cap and Trade" Bill voted on tomorrow.

    Dnag, you made so many different points it's a little hard to encapsulate all of it and respond, but for the most part I agree with what you've said about needing to be better stewards of the Earth than we are now. Let's realize though, that in doing that though, we are still doing so mainly out...
  20. Mcgician

    "Cap and Trade" Bill voted on tomorrow.

    I didn't really want this conversation to be about Canada vs. the USA, but oh well. Nobody's forcing those forests your country volutarily chops down for profit to do so. Your country does that out of its OWN greed. Not counting the many wars America's shouldered almost ENTIRELY on its own in...