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  1. P

    When Should I Start LST?

    this is great, thanks! that about lines up with the timeline i expected
  2. P

    When Should I Start LST?

    I'm 16 days in on these two plants (wedding cake and cookies gelato, both feminized), when should i start LST on these? Should I top them now or wait? Should I also transplant to my 2-gallon pots now? I want to eventually transplant them again to 5-gallon pots to finish. I have not introduced...
  3. P

    Trichomes help please
  4. P

    Upgrading from Blurple

    *Disclaimer - I've searched for forum at length to avoid duplicate posting on this topic, not guaranteeing that I've achieved this... I'm preparing for my 2nd grow already, really excited! Had mixed success with my 1st one, grew decent smokable weed but fucked up a lot and I'm looking forward...
  5. P

    How fucked is this plant (flowering stage)?

    Shit... yea I had part of the top vent open (i just have an exhaust fan and no intake to counterbalance). These are autoflowers... at this stage are there certain parts of this plant i can cut and others that might be doomed?
  6. P

    How fucked is this plant (flowering stage)?

    See title, this is my first grow, I decided to start flushing these plants 2 weeks ago and up to that point they were looking super healthy and progress was great... I took these guys out of the tent for the first time in weeks and noticed what I'm seeing in these pictures for the first time...
  7. P

    Noob like no other

    7 gallon pots... how many? I have a 2x4x5, it gets cramped really quickly trust me.
  8. P

    How Close To Harvest Am I?

    I'll also note I'm aware this plant dealt with some sort of calcium deficiency later on in its life (let me know if you think its something else) the spots on some of the leaves are all toward the newer/top leaves, I just identified it a little too late. I bought Cal-Mag but I started flushing...
  9. P

    How Close To Harvest Am I?

    Feel like I'm super close here but not ready... less than 7 days til cutting? The trichome situation = mostly milky white across the board, definitely seeing some amber ones appear up top but not enough for me to be concerned. Toward the bottom of the plant maybe 1-2 amber trichomes here and...
  10. P

    How Close To Harvest Am I?

    How close do you think I am to harvest based on this picture? I checked the trichomes a few minutes ago and they're all still either clear or starting to get cloudy, I've seen maybe a couple amber ones total throughout the whole plant. Also should I start flushing my plant at this point?
  11. P

    What Will These Yield?

    I'm on Day 43 ish of growing these 3 white widow autoflowers. Just switched the one with the more developed flowers over to Fox Farm Tiger Bloom. I was estimating 5 oz total between the 3, is that realistic? Or will I likely come in lower/higher?
  12. P

    Humidity Problem & Possibly Under-Watering

    Okay this is really helpful context. So if you're doing 1/2 to a 2/3 per pot, i'm using 5 gallon as well, then i've JUST ramped up to that amount, from using 0.5-1 gallon across all 3 pots total. At this very moment, my soil is as wet/moist as its ever been, sounds like i need to chill for a...
  13. P

    Humidity Problem & Possibly Under-Watering

    Using Happy Frog soil, went light-to-no nutrients initially, now I'm using Big Bloom and Grow Big every other watering. Obviously watering quantity is something I've not been 100% certain on, as you can see in my original post. My pH measurements have been consistently 6.2-6.5 range on the...
  14. P

    Humidity Problem & Possibly Under-Watering

    Sure thing. Using a KingLED "1000W" LED Light, I had it approximately 18 inches above the plants but they've been growing really quickly now and they started to get closer to 12 inches away so i raised the light much higher. 2x4x5 tent, AC Infinity 6 inch fan, using it as an exhaust so I've got...
  15. P

    Humidity Problem & Possibly Under-Watering

    Yes, sort of a contradictory title (I think). 1st time grower here - exactly 4 weeks into growing autoflowering white widow strain. Up until recently, I had no problems controlling temp and humidity, was consistently hitting 40-55 RH, low to mid 70s fahrenheit with my indoor grow tent. I was...
  16. P

    White Residue - is this mildew?

    My pH is slightly above 7, but I know my meter is off. I have pH down being mailed to me and new buffer solution for the meter... won't have it until Friday unfortunately.
  17. P

    White Residue - is this mildew?

    Yea I started using nutrient and had portioned them to use via spray bottle too (again, i was paranoid about overwatering so I didnt want to dump water via a watering can)... in hindsight this seems like a dumb rookie move on my part. My takeaways so far: 1) stop using spray bottle, stick to...
  18. P

    White Residue - is this mildew?

    You cut those off at this point? Interesting, first time I've read that, glad I asked. I have been misting in addition to watering - I've been erring on the side of under-watering the soil (1 time a day max) and noticing things seeming dry due to the heat from my lamp... so I'll stop misting...
  19. P

    White Residue - is this mildew?

    Took some photos this morning. I've been seeing these faint white blotches on some of my leaves - they don't wash off and they aren't scratching off the surfaces. Is this mildew? Is this anything I should be concerned about? I also have a picture of my biggest plant to-date with its very...
  20. P

    First Auto Grow - Cookies and Cream

    I’m at day 15 with white widow autoflowers from ILGM and they look almost exactly like this in terms of progress. I actually feel a lot more confident now that I’ve seen yours, hope everything’s progressing well!