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  1. Rooster91762

    My experience with Attitude

    That's a stupid question. not only are you a whining bitch, your ignorance insults this forum. bye~
  2. Rooster91762

    My experience with Attitude

    It is in reference to fat tight bud's, ie.."my other ladies"...wake up dude.
  3. Rooster91762

    Mutant 3 Finger Kandy Kush, Alien

    This started out as a normal looking plant, getting up to 5 fingers but ever since really hitting the veg. state it's grown nothing but 3 fingers and it's freakin' me out because I have grown for many years and never seen one until I googled it. Some claim it's from Australia, with a trippy...
  4. Rooster91762

    indica or sativa?

    I agree w/ smoke and coke, I'm going on a limb by saying sativa/indica. 60/40 respectfully. Cheers bro.
  5. Rooster91762

    I got a bug

    Right on bro, you are doing it organic style, let her roam around like lady Rambo through your garden, devouring all the nasty bugs that may be hiding, she'll find them and terminate them naturally. Amen. They's good luck too son.
  6. Rooster91762

    My experience with Attitude

    Got the receipt. she would just use the money to buy a taco, tryin' to keep her thin, unlike my other ladies who I prefer fat and tight.
  7. Rooster91762

    This really is the END. WOW

    Dude thats wtf I'm talking about! growin not through a screen, but natures way, straight up and out! I also use MG soil, a lot of fuss from people who never did it, they just copy and paste stupid non-sense. They'll say that MG soil lacks micro nutes, that's just bad knowledge, they forget all...
  8. Rooster91762

    My experience with Attitude

    Speaking of whiny bitches, I need to buy a birthday present for my bitch, before the .99 cent store closes.
  9. Rooster91762

    Someone please tell me I didn't just kill them...

    Dr, Green Thumb code blue stat, Dr, Green Thumb code blue stat.
  10. Rooster91762

    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    I love cheese. But I had to leave my last girlfriend because she grew some kinda of mutant cheese between her toes. She also had some kinda cheesy stuff in her underwear. I think it ended up on my flagpole, but no cheese is growin' on it. Yea did I do with my car keys? I smoked...
  11. Rooster91762

    seeds or clones

    Seeds produce a tap root. Clones never develop a tap root. But hey they both do well in the right environment. I like both ways, if I have the time I grow from seeds, if I'm in a bind and need it fast I grow clones. I'm never in a bind so I grow both, no preferences on either one, as they say...
  12. Rooster91762

    First Grow, 4 plants - 280 watts of LED, "The Purps" from BCBD,

    When using Bat guano make sure you wear a breathing mask, I was in a class last week and they talked about a guy who had a fungus growing in his lungs, they didn't know what caused it until more tests, turns out he had been breathing in the bat guano while mixing it, and it settled in his lungs...
  13. Rooster91762

    How Many Grams Is 1 Bud?

    How long is a freeway? How big is a puddle? how much does poop weight? much does a bud weight??!! come on.
  14. Rooster91762


    Just have patience they will turn color...with patience you will learn growing it is half the battle, curing takes the most patience my friend.
  15. Rooster91762

    what kind of light do you recomend?

    250 watts for a plant. up to 400 hps for 1-4 plants, keep it cool. (exaust, vent's). hope this helps brother. google for best prices.
  16. Rooster91762

    This really is the END. WOW

    You are doing it right. keep me posted on your beauties. I'm leaving now for a 2 hour seminar on insects, can't wait. I have my own organic ways to control them, I'm just seeing if there is some new ideas to keep the F%$#$yS out of my garden. hahaha
  17. Rooster91762

    Help! Do I have Spider Mites?

    It looks like a nute deficiency. not spider mites. imho.
  18. Rooster91762

    First ever grow, need advise on when to chop, PICS, also miracle grow question!!!!

    you did a fine job there bro, can't tell the strain, it looks like an indica, I do better with smell, to bad my screen doesn't have a scratch and smell.
  19. Rooster91762

    This really is the END. WOW

    Nice job brother, those 400 watters are great for 1-4 plants, 1 large is cool. niceee