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  1. Rooster91762

    How Much Dry Organic Fertilizer To Use?

    Where were you supporters of guano and compost teas when I needed you last night on this forum? I could have used your help in letting these 2 uninformed trolls know whats it's all about, unfortunately theyre egos got in the way and their brain stopped taking in what I was telling them, Ive been...
  2. Rooster91762

    With just a hundred bucks...what seeds would you buy?

    Spend $50 on some killer NYC diesel and or a cheezy kush, then take the left over $50 and buy some clones of different strains of your choice and clone the bitches until the end of the world or your life, which ever comes first. Clonin' is like bonin', you hook up, and keep reproducing offspring...
  3. Rooster91762

    Riddle me this

    Lets add a 3rd guard and half the time tells the truth and the other half the time lies....hmm, sounds like my girlfriend.
  4. Rooster91762

    Need a opinion

    amen to that bro
  5. Rooster91762

    When Feeding, Shoud I Give Each plant a Gallon w/nutes?

    A gallon might be too much, try 1/2 that with 1/4 nutes then in 2 weeks up the nutes and 1/2 to 3/4 gallon.
  6. Rooster91762

    Are my plants ready for Harvest ?

    Not patient.
  7. Rooster91762

    How to stop plant from flowering

    If youre growing in shade then move it to get the most sunlight, otherwise dig it up and transplant it indoors and give her at least 18 hours of light. it will take 1-2 weeks for it to revert back to vegetative growth, then flower when youre ready by reducing the light cycle to 12/12.
  8. Rooster91762

    I think I might hate my dad

    I was going to reply but you said it for me. I don't think I could have said it better.
  9. Rooster91762

    look at this --is it seed?

    if you want the seeds then separate him from the ladies, and grow it in a separate room so as not to pollinate your girls.
  10. Rooster91762

    DIESELS, WIDOWS, SKUNKS... one of the cleanest grow rooms.........

    Looks like a great starting crop of wide leaf Indica's. Good Job brother.
  11. Rooster91762

    Let the Adventure Begin!! (pictures included)

    DO NOT, AND I REPEAT DO NOT put a 400 watt system in a freezer chest!! even that size. you will melt the inner lining and could cause a fire. Been there done that, even with fans and vents, you will melt the thing. Trust me.
  12. Rooster91762

    Ron Paul, The only one We can trust.

    Whats Ron Paul's voting record or stance on medical marijuana, will he support ending the schedule 1 label that our meds fall under? I did a quick search but didn't find anything. I would vote for him regardless, there is no other choice. The rest of the candidates scare the weed out of me.
  13. Rooster91762

    Fuck the Police I got away

    I'm happy you got away, but get some insurance, because lets say he caught you, then you could be arrested for felony evading, if he didn't have his lights and siren on then you would beat that rap but pay the fine for being un-insured. It worked out for you this time, it was karma telling you...
  14. Rooster91762

    Southern California Patients

    I searched for an hour for my car keys, I finally found my back pocket where I thought I felt my wallet. I need another brownie.
  15. Rooster91762

    Can i still make clones when im in the first week of bloom??? Rep+

    This has been answered, my experience is that with indicas it's not as easy to revert back to veg. growth but it's done everyday, sativas are easier to revert back. Just leave the lights on at least 18 hours, it will take a couple weeks for the flowering to stop and veg. growth to start again...
  16. Rooster91762

    Strain Identification? Do you recognize this type?

    That is definitely a sativa strain, but what type is another question.
  17. Rooster91762

    Is it ok to have co2 levels at 950 ppm when plants are sleeping ??? Rep +++++

    My experience is that you cannot have to much Co2, so let her rip. it's all good and fine.
  18. Rooster91762

    All my plants got stolen :/ such a horrid feeling...

    Im really sorry to hear that Brother, Im new here on this site but far from being a noob. There is little else in life worse than a thief. May the Bad karma queen go get the A-Holes and exact revenge on them, I hope they bake it into a brownie and choke to death on it. Amen.
  19. Rooster91762

    Help! Branches are falling in 5 gallon buckets.

    stake it with a tall enough bamboo shoot, use gardeners twist ties and dont tie them tight you want some room for them to grow and not get strangeled.