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  1. ddeck96

    Tiny orange spots on leaves!!

    holy fuck my EC was high! The run off was 2.4 so it was definitely a build up issue! I’m running autoflowers just for a bit of fun and I guess I underestimated how sensitive they are to nutes. I’m guessing it was probably both a ph and build up issue cuz ph was 6.2 and like you said that’s a bit...
  2. ddeck96

    Tiny orange spots on leaves!!

    so, flush?
  3. ddeck96

    Tiny orange spots on leaves!!

    don’t have any blackstrap molasses. I suppose I could buy some. Would increasing the dose of a fert high in K such as koolbloom work? Or should I just spring for the blackstrap?
  4. ddeck96

    Tiny orange spots on leaves!!

    any advice for a course of action to fix this problem? A bit worried here. Thanks.
  5. ddeck96

    Tiny orange spots on leaves!!

    yeah I know. I usually don’t feed with FFOF and HF, but after about 45 days of watering my plants started to become deficient as they had used up most of the nutes in the soil/they had been flushed out (probably from checking run off ph, I’ll stop doing that) I only started to feed after that...
  6. ddeck96

    Tiny orange spots on leaves!!

    I’m feeding flora trio, liquid koolbloom, floralicious plus, rapidstart, and calmag. Growing in soil with a FFOF and FF Happy Frog mix for my medium. I’ll give it a good flush tomorrow morning and slowly introduce feed again in the next few days or so. Any ideas what could be causing the...
  7. ddeck96

    Tiny orange spots on leaves!!

    Over the last week or so I’ve started to notice tiny orange spots on the leaves. Seems to be spreading at a fairly fast rate on two of my plants that entered flower about 2 weeks or so ago. There is also some yellowing starting in the veins of the leaf and spreading outwards as you can see in...
  8. ddeck96

    Plant tie cut into stem during LST

    you think it’ll stunt growth at all?
  9. ddeck96

    Plant tie cut into stem during LST

    thanks. Y’all are always here to help me lol I love it.
  10. ddeck96

    Plant tie cut into stem during LST

    I was doing LST on one of my young plants and the twist tie cut into the stem a bit. The plant is only 2 and a half weeks old and it’s the wound is really small so it’s hard to get a picture of it. Just wondering how long it will take to heal and if it will effect growth? Thanks.
  11. ddeck96

    Leaves yellowing and falling off in flower

    Awesome. Thanks all who have taken the time to comment and help me out! Much appreciated!!!!
  12. ddeck96

    Leaves yellowing and falling off in flower

    I’ll prob buy a meter then. I assume you mean one with a spear tip that penetrates the soil to take measurements? and Nah I’ve been feeding around 1.6 EC cuz autos can be sensitive. I’ll try raising it to 2.0 and see how it does. Thanks
  13. ddeck96

    Leaves yellowing and falling off in flower

    Pretty sure I checked the root zone PH. I waited until the nutes were pretty much absorbed from the last feed and ran 6.20 PH Ro water through and checked the run off, It came out at 6.25 PH, so I’m estimating the Ph to be around 6.30. Is that correct? And about the stretch, I’m not really sure...
  14. ddeck96

    Leaves yellowing and falling off in flower

    Oh and I’m using RO water, sorry.
  15. ddeck96

    Leaves yellowing and falling off in flower

    Yeah I just thought it was weird cuz it didn’t really yellow til it had basically stopped stretching. I had also continued veg nutes through stretch (with a slight addition of bloom). I’m using Armor Si, CalMag, Flora trio, liquid Koolblood, Floralicious plus and Rapidstart. And yes, bottle...
  16. ddeck96

    Leaves yellowing and falling off in flower

    Right after my plant stopped stretching, the leaves started to turn yellow, and then a pale white color, then they fall off, working its way up from the bottom it seems. The tips of the yellow leaves seem a little blackish brown, and some of the tips are curling up/down. I thought it might be...
  17. ddeck96

    Leaves turning yellow/white-ish color and falling off

    Right after my plant stopped stretching, the leaves started to turn yellow, and then a pale white color, then they fall off, working its way up from the bottom it seems. The tips of the yellow leaves seem a little blackish brown, and some of the tips are curling up/down. I thought it might be...
  18. ddeck96

    Broken main stem during early flower - autoflower

    Awesome, that’s a relief! It appears to still be growing, just a little bit more slowly (granted it’s only been 40 hours so lol). Just out of curiosity, roughly how long will it take to heal and for growth to pick back up at a normal rate again? Thanks.
  19. ddeck96

    Broken main stem during early flower - autoflower

    I was reposition one of the ties on my main stem because it slid down a bit, and accidentally caused a small break in my main cola stem. I immediately taped it up. It is a fairly small break, and before I taped it the stem actually stood up the same way it does when supported with tape. When I...
  20. ddeck96

    Leaf shriveled, pale, and cupping up

    The leaf on my seedling is shriveled/wilted looking, it’s also kind of a pale, light green/white-ish color. The blades on the leaf are cupping upwards, and I’ve noticed some of the other leaves have the same kind of shriveled/wrinkled texture to them and are cupping upwards slightly as well...