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  1. ryeguy

    just sprouted..........problem already?

    its not ph they just srpouted its deffientely lights..mayb if they grow a bit more nd turn yellow...unless ur using dirt from the ground it aint the ph no offense..good luck
  2. ryeguy

    Very New Need Help

    thats cool
  3. ryeguy

    Goverment Can tell if were Growing?

    yeah broo 100% fact fucking feds these days will do anything do bust you...usually they can only spot the heat if ur growing on the top level of ur house usally if ur in the basement its harder to detect but they can also look up ur bill if anything seems fishy..then they get a warrant and...
  4. ryeguy

    Apartment Grow

    you could easily put them on a patio nd say there tomato plants...even stick a tab in the soil with a picture of tomato plan t like most gardners do to organize plants nd such..if not put get a garbage bag put it over em nd transfer to buddays till the heat passes..but thats guna cause stress...
  5. ryeguy


    yeah do u have to females that are pollinated do u kno there lady's...and most people dont watch the seed develop hint its usally in paper towel so kinda hard to watch...usually they get a bump on them nd then crack nd then the tap root will begin to appear once tap root gets 1-2 inches...
  6. ryeguy

    just sprouted..........problem already?

    yes man cfls create very little heat so u can put them very close..put it 2 inches away for now..its streching for light if u have it that far away...uve got a pretty good wife bro i must admit...put up some tinfoil..get some distilled or bottled water dont use tap water..nd ur set budday got...
  7. ryeguy

    Switching marijuana indoor and outdoor daily

    i wud only do that if it was a smaller plant and you were trying to get it used to outdoor conditons..some people grow there plants inside until it reaches a certain height then bring it outdoors for its day cylce then indoors at night in a warm place cause at night time it can get chilly nd...
  8. ryeguy

    Very New Need Help

    this also all depends on how big u want ur plants to get and if ur guna bring em outside..cause if u are u cud use a 3000 k ..and it wud grow big enough to put outside...
  9. ryeguy

    just sprouted..........problem already?

    i got mine from my hydroponics store..i was at wall mart today the highest wattage was 42 watts and that aint relli enough it wud start it off..i payed 50 buks for my 100 watt cfl mayb urs will be more or cheaper i dont know..and with tinfoil put it on all sides of ur grow spot even on the roof...
  10. ryeguy

    Very New Need Help

    if u you use a 100 watt cfl for veg u will be good
  11. ryeguy

    i need someones knowledge

    yeah the longer tha tap root the bigger the plant will get..its like getting a head start in a race..but if it grows to big nd dosent get soil or light it will just turn yellow nd die off
  12. ryeguy

    just sprouted..........problem already?

    well bro im actually doing the same thing..ironic:P...but uh right now im using a 100watt cfl until it gets about a foot tall then im guna bring er outside...also using tinfoil as a reflector and a fan for stem strength and water evry 2 days if recomend u put it in a decent size...
  13. ryeguy

    just sprouted..........problem already?

    okay well if its a normal bulb then that wont work..u will need a cfl..but 100w is a good wattage...u can try it ...only water when the soil begins to get a bit dry..dont use nutes or any plant food u wont need it for 3-4 weeks and put light cylce on 18-6...u mayb will need a fan...any more q...
  14. ryeguy

    i need someones knowledge

    ya shud be fine...make sure you got a light ready and dont water it often make soil soil is moist tho
  15. ryeguy

    just sprouted..........problem already?

    okay what light s are you using first of all...and the light cycle should be 18/6 on/off....and only water when soil is dry...did u germante you seed or just put it in the soil...and what soil you using?
  16. ryeguy

    Very New Need Help

    that wud work for now..but would need more eventually if using cfls ur guna need atleast a 100w bulb 6500k
  17. ryeguy

    harvested 4 21 is it time for jars yet?

    well burping the jars is simply just letting fresh air in..once ur buds are comletly cured u can keep them in the jars (sealed) and wont have to burp and you can store for years if u do it properly...but if there still not cured burp once a day or even evry 6 hours if needed...
  18. ryeguy

    help for expericned indoor grower

    okay man thanks for the info ..youve been a good help...happy smokin budday! ill let you know how she goes
  19. ryeguy

    help for expericned indoor grower

    yes snyders right..i only need em for a month or less until there big enought to bring outdoors..but thanks newyas man (Y)
  20. ryeguy

    help for expericned indoor grower

    haha opkay so all these 3 y sockets nd such are just for me to plug in the the bulb to..cause i have this lamp im using and i just screw my bulb into the lamp plug it in and assumeing the second picutre is a spliter for 2 bulbs for one socket type thing..once again very unexpericned...