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  1. C

    Seedling In 5 Gallon

    Here’s a little update on my critical jack and white Widdow autoflowers. The smaller one is the white Widdow at 4 weeks and the big one flowering is the critical jack at 5 weeks. I’m gonna be posting pics a few days a week if anybody is interested in seeing how this comes out! I had the light at...
  2. C

    Seedling In 5 Gallon

    In the first pic you see the twist at the top. Right now they’re about 17-18in above the canopy. I have a Mars 300 hydro and a Vipar 300. How do they look? I just gave them some great White last night...
  3. C

    Seedling In 5 Gallon

    Ok ok I have noticed that the tips of my critical are twisted why is that? How high should my 300watt LED be above my plant? It’s at about 18-20inches...
  4. C

    Seedling In 5 Gallon

    Yea I heard it stops stretching and it’s good to start bloom nutes after the stretch. I’ve never done that I’ll look into. I also noticed a few days later a couple burnt leaf tops and I only used 1/4th dose. I’m gonna give it straight water next. Should I keep the same nute dose after, lower it...
  5. C

    Seedling In 5 Gallon

    Like that? The first is the critical and it looks like pistols are showing. The second one is the white Widdow and doesn’t look like it yet. I heard once you give bloom nutes it stops growing in height?
  6. C

    Seedling In 5 Gallon

    I watered till barley any runoff but when I give straight water next time I’ll give it some run off. It just takes so long to dry out and it has good drainage...
  7. C

    Seedling In 5 Gallon

    Ok so run off doesn’t matter. In order for me to get run off I have to give over a half a gallon. I gave each about a half a gallon and barely got any run off. I’ll water everybother and just up my nutes next time see how it goes. When should I Start using bloom nutes? I’m using the flora gro...
  8. C

    Seedling In 5 Gallon

    I just gave both 1/4 of a dose because I suffered some pretty bad nute burn from roots organic nutes last time. I didn’t like it at all. I’m using the flora hardwater series now. I will bump it up to half next time and work my way up. If the water takes longer than usual to dry out, almost a...
  9. C

    Seedling In 5 Gallon

    Wow looks great! Thanks! So should I give them a dose of nutes today? Floragro about 1/4th a dose?
  10. C

    Seedling In 5 Gallon

    Sorry I’ve been away for a few weeks. But you’re right it took a little over a week to dry out I think I have it too much water lol. Here’s is what they look like...the white Widdow is at week 3, the smaller one, and the critical jack is at week 4. How do they look and should I start giving...
  11. C

    Germinating Seeds In Glass Of Water

    Interesting. Just checked again and still no sprout. So put a teaspoon of Hydrogen Peroxide in a glass of room temp water 250ml and let it sit? For how long? Can I put it in my Cabinet or does it have to be out in the open?
  12. C

    Germinating Seeds In Glass Of Water

    You Really think it’s dead? The other one sprouted an inch long in two days. Should I just plant it and find out?
  13. C

    High PPM Of Tap Water

    They can still germinate in the water right?
  14. C

    High PPM Of Tap Water

    What’s up Guys! I need some input! So I used the paper towel method and put two critical jack herer seeds inside and one sprouted about an inch long but the other didn’t do a thing. It’s been 4 days and still nothing. So I dropped the seed in a glass of water and it sunk to the bottom to see if...
  15. C

    Germinating Seeds In Glass Of Water

    What’s up Guys! I need some input! So I used the paper towel method and put two critical jack herer seeds inside and one sprouted about an inch long but the other didn’t do a thing. It’s been 4 days and still nothing. So I dropped the seed in a glass of water and it sunk to the bottom to see if...
  16. C

    High PPM Of Tap Water

    What’s up Guys I Have a quick question. I’m starting my second grow tomorrow and I bought a filter for my tap water and it doesn’t fit so I’m stuck with using tap water. The ppm’s Are pretty high between 300-400. Is that ok to use for soil? And should I buy the flora hardwater Nutes?
  17. C

    Water For Autoflowers

    Haha as in an error I made? I gave it a little too many nutes in the beginning maybe that was it? I bought one of those PUR filters for my sink maybe that will work
  18. C

    Water For Autoflowers

    I just don’t want to run into a nutrient lockout again. Idk if it was because of the ppm of my water
  19. C

    Water For Autoflowers

    The PPM in my tap water is in the 400s! Is that bad?
  20. C

    Water For Autoflowers

    If I can’t use my tap water how would I go about using water for my plants? Just give it plain distilled water with a little cal mag? How would that work?