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  1. C

    Did I Harvest Too Early?

    Ok thanks for the quick response brotha. I was just wondering because I only saw a few Amber trichomes on the main cola and I had to chop both at once. Some people wait for more amber trichomes and the buds aren’t as big as I expected. You think I could pull a few grams per branch? I’m looking...
  2. C

    Did I Harvest Too Early?

    Hey guys! I was wondering if I harvested too early? I was a growing two critical jack herer auto delicious seeds and it says it’s a 60-70 day strain and I cut it at day 72. All leaves were yellowing and dying, buds are decent size, I saw a few Amber trichomes on the main colas, most of the hairs...
  3. C

    Seedling In 5 Gallon

    What’s up guys! I’m starting my second grow next week with some critical jack autoflower delicious seeds and I was wondering if I could just plant them in their final 5 gallon pot or use a solo cup first then transfer. I have roots organic original soil and coast of Maine soil and was wondering...
  4. C

    PH Of Soil Is 7.5

    Fuck I just saw this. I thought the thread got deleted. I think I chopped a little too early. I chopped on October 2nd and 3rd...5-6 days after that pic was taken. I feel like I should have waited an extra week. What do you think? They are currently drying right now in my closet. How much do you...
  5. C

    PH Of Soil Is 7.5

    What’s up guys! I’m getting ready for the chop this week! I took a couple pics like you said! Nugs are still getting fatter! They really do pack on size the last few weeks! Any last few adjustments to make the weed better?
  6. C

    PH Of Soil Is 7.5

    Haha I like both. But I’m more of a head high type of person. So I should wait until I see only a few amber trichomes because I heard it’s good to wait until you see some amber
  7. C

    PH Of Soil Is 7.5

    Yea I’m done chasing these hoes. I’m ready to harvest. Buds are starting to bulk up. I just got one of those julope microscopes and I was wondering do I chop once I see a few amber trichomes and milky ones or when I see them should I still wait a little. Don’t wanna cut too early or late
  8. C

    PH Of Soil Is 7.5

    I was only using 1/4tspn every 3 days. They looked hungry. Only did it twice. Don’t know why it’s that high. Must be because of that tap water. So just plan water till end?
  9. C

    PH Of Soil Is 7.5

    Why do think it was so high? From the ppm of the tap water? Is 1300 normal?
  10. C

    PH Of Soil Is 7.5

    So I just gave my plant some water. I checked ppm of runoff and it was 1300ppm! Like I said I haven’t been using many nutes and when I do it’s in small dosages and the ppm of my tap water before was 400ppm. I’m using distilled water now for the last few weeks. Why is it so high? Is that bad? And...
  11. C

    PH Of Soil Is 7.5

    Every watering? Watering every 3 days I was thinking a half teaspoon
  12. C

    PH Of Soil Is 7.5

    I have a lot of yellow leaves and I haven’t been using nutes consistently because of tip burn which I think was from the high ppm of the tap water throwing everything out of wack. It was a mess. So I was thinking I could push nutes now till harvest because it close
  13. C

    PH Of Soil Is 7.5

    I’m using roots organic bloom nutes. Should I use it with every watering and just push it till harvest since they’re organic?
  14. C

    PH Of Soil Is 7.5

    Let’s hope. I’m watering with just distilled water next. Should I throw in a little cal mag or is it pointless at this point?
  15. C

    PH Of Soil Is 7.5

    Ok I won’t touch them for now. I was told by a few people if they look yellow and dead to pull them off. I’m looking for at least and ounce or two from each what do you think?
  16. C

    PH Of Soil Is 7.5

    What do you mean? There’s a ton of leaves. If they look wrinkled up and dead I pull them off. More than 70% dead it doesn’t benefit the plant. But I guess I will leave it for now
  17. C

    PH Of Soil Is 7.5

    Burnt all yahl? And only 10 days? I think it will take a little more time. Idk...
  18. C

    PH Of Soil Is 7.5

    Thanks boss. Gonna have to get one. Pushing nutes and distilled water till harvest. Maybe one week flush. Increasing nutes every week. I want some nice buds!
  19. C

    PH Of Soil Is 7.5

    Not yet. Should I use a microscope for that? This is what it looks like up close. I’m just waiting for them to bulk up
  20. C

    PH Of Soil Is 7.5

    I’m starting to believe that now...