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  1. HondaVixen

    100% Clone strikes everytime!

    ummm..that looks pretty amazing! Thanks for the post!
  2. HondaVixen

    First Post: Harvest Time?

    Have you been watering with nutes this entire week? You need to flush the last two weeks with straight water, and then you can cut. It leaves a harsh smoke taste and kills your lungs if you cut without flushing. Looks like maybe a little underwatering.. (droopy leaves) and maybe heat burn of...
  3. HondaVixen

    Plants ginormous!!?

    Okay, I'm looking through some of these journals and I'm seeing some super tall plants - 4-6'' on some of them... Whats the trick?! Lights all the way up so they stretch? I thought it would good to keep em a bit short and let them bush out....but I can't ignore all that bud I'm seeing...
  4. HondaVixen

    HELP!!!witch pest control product to use??

    Doktor Doom is definitely good stuff for indoors also only requires about 2.5 hours for fogger to do its thing, and clear out your place, downside you do have to turn all electric things off for the duration. Haven't tried the other ones though. DD takes care of most pesky bugs -...
  5. HondaVixen

    Worms on clones??

    Ahh! Another one bites the dust. Heres some pics of the culprits! Sorry the pictures suck..iPhone camera and lights dont mix too well. Local hydro store is closed on Mondays as well...ahh!! Will have to wait a whole 'nother day for AzaMax! :(
  6. HondaVixen

    Worms on clones??

    If I see any more, I will be sure to take some pictures...sorry to say all the other guys were squished and flushed :( the smallest was a few millimeters and light green, the biggest was about a centimeter and grayish. They're 13 days old and all are rooting very well, so I'll look into this...
  7. HondaVixen

    Worms on clones??

    Thanks for the such helpful response!! 400mh is not the ONLY light I have, but thanks for your assumption. I did say they were in 1 inch cubes right? oh..right.. I did. This would be what I call - Stage 1. When they go into pots they go into a room with 2 400mhs, and then for flowering they go...
  8. HondaVixen

    Worms on clones??

    I have 50 or so clones in the 1 inch rockwell cubes, under a 400 MH bulb. I went to check on them this morning (as I do twice as day) and I noticed a few worms eating my leaves! I could see the other clones they had eaten off of because of the trail of poop, and a few of the clones had died. I...
  9. HondaVixen

    Soil won't dry?

    Right now the pictures wouldn't be anything too impressive :D I've actually got them in a red room while I decide what I want to put on the walls. Theyre sitting on a blue and silver tarp, lights are around 12 inches above them, lights are about 2.5 feet apart. Wood covering the windows with a...
  10. HondaVixen

    Soil won't dry?

    Just to clarify, when I say Im "watering" I mean misting - just misting the leaves every few hours... When I'm "Feeding" I'm feeding with nutes every 3-4 days, or atleast thats what I thought the timing should be.
  11. HondaVixen

    Soil won't dry?

    I will be going hydro my next time around, but I wanted to try something a little different, and my current set up isnt as.....I would like it to be right now with how time consuming a break down of hydro set up would be. I'm not having a hard time far as a job goes - I can't...
  12. HondaVixen

    Soil won't dry?

    I'm having a hard time letting my soil dry out. I was under the impression that you were supposed to be feeding every 3-4 days (2 times a week) but the last time I fed was on Saturday (23rd) and the soil is still pretty damp. I'm misting 2-3 times a day with water and superthrive mixture...
  13. HondaVixen

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    Its always been my experience to take off all yellow/dead leaves... I was told its the plants way of spreading energy to other leaves / parts of the plants. Also soil ph should be around 6.0-6.5. Now for my Question time :) When using soil I've seen that some people swap out the soil...
  14. HondaVixen

    Advice needed 101!

    Okay, thanks, what am I looking for when I check the run off? just consistency in the ph?
  15. HondaVixen

    Advice needed 101!

    you're checking the run off ph as well? for what reasons? to make sure theyre taking in all the nutes? I'm keeping ph at around 7.1... is that too high?
  16. HondaVixen

    Advice needed 101!

    Also, I just found this from a post from Earl (who seems pretty experienced..!) 1. The Add Back Rule : Once you have replenished the original rez volume with fresh water, then it is time to change out the rez with fresh water and new nutes. Never add nutes between nute changes, until you have...
  17. HondaVixen

    Advice needed 101!

    As far as the big bug - are you just following directions on the container? I know..probably a stupid question but oh well :D And what is a bumper crop? Sorry, havent picked up the lingo yet lol. I have also heard about people switching pots/soil for veg/flower stage.. is this...
  18. HondaVixen

    Advice needed 101!

    thanks so much for your help so far! what does guano do? or is it just a booster?
  19. HondaVixen

    Advice needed 101!

    Ahh numbers dont mean much to me? :( 24-8-16 is that the N-P-K? and just mixed with bat guano 8-3-1? is that just a premix? as far as nutes - what as you mixing for ratios? also - can you clone plants that are already starting to flower?
  20. HondaVixen

    Advice needed 101!

    Ahh numbers dont mean much to me? :( 24-8-16 is that the N-P-K? and just mixed with bat guano 8-3-1? is that just a premix? as far as nutes - what as you mixing for ratios? also - can you clone plants that are already starting to flower?