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  1. cozz

    18 day old Seedling need's HELP !

    hi wasnt saying you cant afford it lol just the plant cant use all the light your chucking at it so seems a waste of electric and bulb life, it also can make it easier to stress little plants if you dont get the distance right, dont get me wrong i use cfl to start and as soon as i can ill get...
  2. cozz

    18 day old Seedling need's HELP !

    if this is your only plant id sugest dropping a cfl on to it, saves electric and easier to control, your just wasting lumens etc with the 400, defo start feeding as mike says,
  3. cozz

    I can't tell if I'm ready to harvest or not (pics)

    ceramic pots---- tile drill couple of quid 10 mins done!!
  4. cozz

    I can't tell if I'm ready to harvest or not (pics)

    I know its all opinions but you can get away without flushing with organics like bio bizz, its when you use chemical nutes that it becomes really important, not saying you shouldn't flush as I know it says plain water on the bio feeding schedule, but ive also known a few times people not...
  5. cozz

    can someone help me determine if these are male plants

    hi id defo say so,
  6. cozz

    Dr Krippling Incredible Bulk Journal from seed.

    im in soil, 2x600 a/c hoods and a 250, I believe it could be 8 weeks, obviously things are different from room to room, I went from seed, and let it pre sex etc, im allowing 10 in my head but really cant see it being that long, (hope not lol) I pretty much didn't feed till a week into flower...
  7. cozz

    Dr Krippling Incredible Bulk Journal from seed.

    hi, ive 10 going at moment 4-5th week of flower, id just like to say all 10 were switched inbetween 18-22" tall and yes the grow but not how id imagined from what id read, theres defo 2 phenos ive got and the tallest ones only doubled in height,( I did keep the daynight temp swing very low to...
  8. cozz

    very new very poor

    out of interest has that tub got drain holes?, I know you are on a budget but you can get seedling soil for literally a couple of pounds, ive been using john innes potting from wilkinsons found it to be great for varietys that don't like too much feed (hot) straight away, then after acouple of...
  9. cozz

    plants need help

    sorry mate just noticed your in coco ill shut up then!!
  10. cozz

    plants need help

    just thought id CHIME in, id be aiming to raise the ph to 6.5, (7) lol, sorry couldn't resist, I think im in the same area as you and my ph is 7-7.2 straight out the tap, how are you measuring at the moment? also though I don't use the nutes you've got, is every 2 days a bit much for them...
  11. cozz

    °°LIGHTING COSTS CALCULATOR --just for the community°°

    thanks, ive just worked out im paying someone too much lol!!!
  12. cozz

    Pics inside! Cal/mag def in flower stage??

    if you aim for 10% run off of feed jug, youll be ok, but if your soils very dry or you have big root mass make sure you water slowly bit by bit so it doesent just pour through the pot,
  13. cozz

    another grow another problem!!

    thanks for the replys, cant get more pics till tomorrow now, should have thought of that!! if you've got time tomorrow ill get them put up,it realy is 2-3 leaves around the middle, ive been feeding 1ml per litre of bio bizz grow and 2 of bloom, was gonna up the bloom to 3 this week but held of...
  14. cozz

    another grow another problem!!

    hi, im hoping I can get some help diagnosing this, some details first, ive got 10 incredible bulks, 2,amnesia, and 1 supersilver haze, they are all 3.5 weeks into flower, (expected 8-10 week for flowering), im in allmix soil, last pot up just before flowering, ph is allways 6.4 to 6.7, just...
  15. cozz

    Top leaves turning yellow on 2nd day of Flowering

    i agree dont panic, i did when it hapened to me and mine were like flourescent yellow/lime geen, they will be fine, they look cool aswell, only thing id say is by the photos it looks like your plants are "sunk" in to the pot? is there a reason youve done it like that, just interested not...
  16. cozz

    Is this light or water problem?

    hi, what soil is that, i cant see any perlite or anything, hows the drainage? of the top of my head id say flooded root zone and something a bit to hot,
  17. cozz

    Help me decide please =D

    from what ive seen with this strain id say go to the 70 -80 day mark, aparently the effect is much better then, for the true indica hit id let them amber up a bit more, you proberly could get em done now but from everything ive seen let em go and keep an eye on the ambers, to at least 50% (its...
  18. cozz

    2.5 weeks in veg

    looking good!! the only thing id say is it looks like they might be getting a bit overwatered, on a few of the leaves they look a bit wrinkly, which can be a sign, but believe me ive been wrong plenty of times lol
  19. cozz

    i live in a now LEGAL state

    go see a local drug attorney for all the proper advice, as not knocking anyone on here, but you need to know it from the horses mouth,
  20. cozz

    what would you do????

    yes got powered intake/exhaust fans etc just cant get my head around the rectangle shape, thought of parabolic as i read that they can be good in thinner situations bouncing of the walls, my head says go with the 600 and 400, but if i could get away with a 600 para id be happier lol