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  1. cozz

    Newbie heat issue

    hi, first thing id do is get an actual exhaust fan, this will help with two things, temp/humidity and fresh air, your passive intake wont be working very well because you need air to be pulled out of your tent, what size tent have you? fans arnt all expensive you can even jerry rig a bathroom...
  2. cozz

    Im an idiot

    didnt explain myself proply mate, (just got in from work) if you used the calmag dont forget to allow yourself a good flush time, thats why i was suggesting the unsulphered blackstrap mollasses, if your so close to finishing now alredy, chemicals will defo need the proper flush where as you can...
  3. cozz

    Im an idiot

    hi, if your keeping it organic, then i think bonticare do a organic cal mag, like i say for me the alga-mic also with mollasses aswell at 1tbls per 5 litre worked out fine and kept it organic, mollasses does have lots of trace elements so between the two it covers it, but yeah if your ok with a...
  4. cozz

    Looking for some help

    get where your coming from "just survive" but better to have them fine and dandy before you stress them by putting outside, but if your gonna go ahead id start with checking my ph, get that right, ideally re=pot in new soil, even if its only for a week, get some nitrogen into them, they look...
  5. cozz

    Looking for some help

    hi, what have you given them so far? and are they all pretty much the same? whats your set up? last repot etc
  6. cozz

    Im an idiot

    hi, ive used biobizz a few times and am now actually, first things are what soil are you in?, whats your ph,? including run off, have you been feeding every watering or doing 1 on 1off sort of thing? and what have you been feeding them so far ie grow/bloom etc, some people do get a deficiency...
  7. cozz

    Bright yellow leaves

    hi, its strange how its in the middle of the plant, as you say theres loads of info, i was gonna say mb, but then the purple leaves would point to phosporus, afraid not the voice of experience but the voice of google!!
  8. cozz

    plant problems plz help!

    hi, i think you have other problems then just heat, whats the run down on your soil, ph, feeding, watering etc etc,
  9. cozz

    Should i be worried?

    cant see the problem? other then a little twist on leaf or do i need glasses lol! if its the leaf twist sometimes you get deformed leaves for a variety of reasons, if its 1 or 2 i wouldnt panic,
  10. cozz

    Week 6 - How do they look?

    yeah think im pretty sold on it now!! im gonna be interested in your rdwc build as im just starting my last mud grow now, (thc bomb, and ice bomb) then the plan is to build a undercurrant system, been put off from hydro before but got to give it a go, just got a noise issue with the air...
  11. cozz

    Week 6 - How do they look?

    hi, ive been looking at bulk aswell but can find little info on previous grows, have you any info other then the seed banks,? just cant seem to find grow reports on it, yours is looking great by the way, looks like your a natural!!
  12. cozz


    hi, id just leave it and see as sometimes some take longer then others and it looks ok otherwise, you might find its enegy is being used putting roots down, if that's the case it will soon catch up,
  13. cozz

    Different Pheno Harvest (Pics Included)

    hi, I think you've got to look at it like they are individuals, but looking at the ambers will help you decide, let it go for a bit but check the colours everyday only you know what "high" your trying to achieve, when you get to the percentage o fambers your after then that's when to lop it...
  14. cozz

    Purple Urkel .... root bound? pH?

    im sure your doing the right thing, ive not had it myself but im sure that ive read that you can transplant when root bound,check the roots as you go, free them up, but it will stall for a while, especially if you need to trim the roots as it will focus all energy on the repair of the roots...
  15. cozz

    Swap CFL for Cool Tube

    sorry for delay mate, but yes its safe, the wings are there to act as a reflector, you might find that your loosing lumens, but yes its safe
  16. cozz

    Swap CFL for Cool Tube

    hi, ive just done a similar thing with cool tube, i took the reflector from my 250w cfl and drilled the rivits out that held the lamp holder, then fitted the wings to the cool tube, works great, so much better then the little bat wing things they use, and i can refit the cfl shade back together...
  17. cozz

    Yellow leaves

    hi id say ph is borderline, is that run off? also if you can put a picture up it would help people advise you, also more info, soil feed {if any) temp set up etc etc
  18. cozz

    bent stem of seedling. help!

    the reason I say about the soil is because of the bark mulch ive read this:<: incorporating wood/bark chips into a soil can create a nitrogen deficiency due to a carbon-to-nitrogen imbalance, and can interfere with seedbed preparation. It takes ten or more years for chips to decompose in a...
  19. cozz

    bent stem of seedling. help!

    hi, never really grown outside myself but ive had seedlings like that before and they have been fine, sometimes the shell pod sticks on them for a bit and I think that can weigh them down, I know some people pull them off but I don't (just in case) I notice theres quite high sides on the tub...
  20. cozz

    hps lamp/ light turned white

    hi, im puzzled, i was running a digi poot light 600 new dual spectrum bulb, for about 6 weeks now, well tonight i fitted new air cooled hood and ballast and the colour of the lamp has turned from yellowish to more white looking, has anyone experienced anything like it? im now not sure if my new...