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  1. B

    Parents!!!!! Growing with younger children... Do you explain?

    Try it with your wife dressed up as Jesus. Way more naughty that way.
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    Girl Scout cookie clone

    What did you think of the Platinum pheno? I've got two from Medicinal Organics out in the yard now, and although I nearly killed one trying to get rid of mites, they are looking like they'll return a fair (for cookies, anyway) crop when done.
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    Spraying With Colloidal Silver

    Check these, returned with a search: The second one describes the OP's successful experience doing just what you plan, but with Tiresias. Info on timing is there.
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    Spraying With Colloidal Silver

    Still not very clear. There are tons of posts here on this that will explain the use of CS, including timing. Simple search will bring up some very recent discussions with this info. Are you planning to use one plant for both pollen and seeds? If so, spray a single branch and let it pollinate...
  5. B

    Battle wound can it be saved?

    Is the zip tie holding up a broken piece or something? If not I think you're right to remove it, but if you need it to hold something in place remove the plastic so you don't trap moisture against the tissue and put a new tie on it. With this additional info, I'm thinking you're good.
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    Battle wound can it be saved?

    Can't really make anything out in the pics. What do you mean by "ripped off a stem"? A branch? These things are very tough and you'll probably be fine.
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    transplant question

    I wouldn't do it. If this were May or June, I'd feel differently, but you just don't have the luxury of time now. If the shock sets them back a week or 10 days, that's a big chunk of what remains in your season and you lose a good percentage of your size. I like your idea of waiting to determine...
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    Male or female??? New here need help

    Looks like another boy.
  9. B

    Calcium deficiency won't go away?

    Yes. Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate.
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    Supercrop fail or no (pictures uploaded)

    I grow outdoors and have not tried it on a plant so young, but on more robust plants I've bent them to that extreme a couple of times and they came back with no problem. I've got one right now that after not quite as drastic a bend as yours, has now nearly completely straightened itself up and...
  11. B

    Seeds won't germinate please help I'm new

    No, this isn't true. Not something you need to worry about. I soak for 6-8 hours before moving to paper towels and once in a while there will still be a floater. In my experience, it doesn't seem to matter and they crack as well as others.
  12. B

    Seeds won't germinate please help I'm new

    36 hours is too soon to worry. I do mine in a somewhat similar way and 24-36 hours in the paper is when they start to pop. Give another day of two and see what you get.
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    male or female

    I agree that you need a bit more time to be sure, but looks like 1 and 3 might be headed the wrong way. Can't make out 2 well enough too see, myself.
  14. B

    Question about hermi plants

    I think in the past there was more of a chance of femmed seed herming, but not so much now because the breeding and methods have improved. I don't use them a lot myself, but have never had one herm, and I've read here and other places that it is pretty uncommon now. They are definitely not bred...
  15. B

    Germination trouble or a false concern?

    Nothing you can do at this point besides wait. Don't handle it. I've had seeds (of many types of plant) fail at different stages and I've had seeds that seemed like they were failing grow into fine plants. As Molly mentioned, some just don't make it so don't stress if it doesn't do anything for you.
  16. B

    Alternating nodes from seed

    Seed came from a hermie clone? :wink:
  17. B

    help, Slow vegging outdoor...jesus bless it

    When were they purchased? Could age be a factor?
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    Purple Haze....

    Here's one I've been looking at: Pretty sure I'll include these on the next go.
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    When is the best time to start growing in los angeles?

    If you are doing a strictly outdoor grow you don't have to worry about hours of light since you won't be moving them out into a new environment. Just watch out for a late frost and give them enough time to get to a good size for you before flowering. Mid April to mid May should be fine where you...
  20. B

    First grow. Guess the yield.

    If ever a thread needed to be locked......