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  1. JohnDoeTho

    week 1 Flower

    I'm noob too and hate to get you pre excited but kinda looks like a female. You def have some issues going on. I don't know enough to tell you exactly what your nutrient problems are but if you search growing weed plant deficiencys you will find numerous sites with pictures of the deficiency and...
  2. JohnDoeTho

    Overfilling bucket?

    So green poison is next. And then I get to pick from white widow, thc bomb, or hash plant. Leaning towards widow.
  3. JohnDoeTho

    Overfilling bucket?

    Yea I mean it didn't drench the paper towel but left some wet marks on it to verify my sanity lol. Leaves were thick like felt.
  4. JohnDoeTho

    Overfilling bucket?

    I thought I was going nuts so I grabbed a papertowel and pressed it against the towel and you could see where the paper towel was wet.
  5. JohnDoeTho

    Overfilling bucket?

    Yes effectively drowning them lol. They were wicking water like crazy searching for oxygen. It was crazy the leaves were wet to the touch in a low humidity room.....
  6. JohnDoeTho

    Overfilling bucket?

    Alright guys through trial and error the exact cause of the issue was not the fill line so much. Usually I swap out my air stones monthly. Well this time around I simply added another line and stone to each bucket. With the size of my air pump this effectively doubled the volume of air(warm...
  7. JohnDoeTho

    Overwatering in DWC?

  8. JohnDoeTho

    Overwatering in DWC?

    and I have no bloom booster, simple A and B setup. I feel like the boosters are voodoo and snake oil? You can only put so much nutrient in there? I'm noob maybe I'm wrong?
  9. JohnDoeTho

    Overwatering in DWC?

    It's crazy what environment will do because at this point you would think there is no way they are the same strain. Edit: Mine and his
  10. JohnDoeTho

    Overwatering in DWC?

    I thought he would be of more help, but I quickly found out while he's been doing this for years he dosnt seem to learn from his failures or have too much of an idea of what's really going on. Biggest difference between us is my dieing care which in this first round was negated by the noob...
  11. JohnDoeTho

    Overwatering in DWC?

    ok girls say "cheese" hehe get it?
  12. JohnDoeTho

    Overwatering in DWC?

    And I'm not overly concerned of it entering flower as every 12 hr cycle it seems more and more white hairs are popping. More so concerned with getting the yield I was expecting mimicking off his grow.
  13. JohnDoeTho

    Overwatering in DWC?

    Good info, it's gonna be interesting to compare yields with my buddy as we are from the same mother plant....he's two weeks ahead of me but he's been twice the height of me the whole time. I have much larger root mass and thicker stalk so it's kind of confusing. He isn't anywheres as bushy as me...
  14. JohnDoeTho

    Overwatering in DWC?

    Not tons of white hairs just some here and there
  15. JohnDoeTho

    Overwatering in DWC?

    I guess the hard part is I've yet to notice any stretching and I'm almost two weeks into 12/12. Seeing white hairs but nothing id call buds.
  16. JohnDoeTho

    Overwatering in DWC?

    lol I sensed some prior bad experience with that gl on the LED! I did place a lot of trust in this technology. I hope it wasn't the wrong move.... only complaint I could possibly have at this point and I think it's more due to my trimming and LST, is not enough stretching.
  17. JohnDoeTho

    Overwatering in DWC?

    Well I have been on 12/12 for almost 2 weeks now. But I've heard it isn't considered flowering as soon as you flip. Unfortunately I have no "thumper" using this LED from start to finish.... They claim equilvelant yield yet more potent and more terpines for flavor and smell..... California solar...
  18. JohnDoeTho

    Overwatering in DWC?

    Hopefully these will be big buds in 9 weeks! Think this is enough action to start the counter on flower? I have a microscope to check trich, just as a guesstimate.
  19. JohnDoeTho

    Buds haves stop growing at 6 weeks

    So because the guy with no research agrees with you is probably not the best reasoning to provide proof of being right. If I have learned anything in these forums is that many things can look like one another. Without getting a lot of details of their setup and proccess your basically peeing in...
  20. JohnDoeTho

    Overwatering in DWC?

    Yup still nice and happy. I really think my improper trimming method from early in veg made these girls scared to grow vertically. They just get fatter and fatter and bushier and bushier. I've thinned them out countless times.