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  1. CaveChest

    Watermelon vodka???

    Wow! So u say, open the vodka...put an entire watermelon on top of it then leave it in the fridge for a few hours?! THATS AWESOME! OMG! AHHHH! thanks man :) Totally doing that J
  2. CaveChest

    How far does $20 get you?

    Hey yo Next time you pick up a deal, take a pic and show the thread. I'm keen to know how far $20 worth of weed gets you, here in AU its 1g (bit of a rip but we dont have much choice) Post pics plz Peace J
  3. CaveChest

    what is required to grow in canada?

    So there are no degree's or prerequisites required at all? Just the ability to grow? Then why don't more people do it?
  4. CaveChest

    what is required to grow in canada?

    I've been watching Urbangrower on Youtube and he grows in Canada. But what are the requirements in the US? This does puzzle me PEace J
  5. CaveChest

    New style lowryder. Experiment w/pics

    Thanks for the comments guys. SICC, i have read the AG FAQ before and it was pretty helpful, but my problem is i dont know how long its been since it sprouted. I think i will just wait till it gets a little bigger. Another problem i am having is, i'm trying to Germinate 2 other seeds in the AG...
  6. CaveChest

    Awesome Show to watch while stoned to the bone.

    Chowder. On Cartoon Network. Best show ever!! But i totally agree with planet earth that is just so much fun to watch and everything is just crazy cool
  7. CaveChest

    Grower's group? Research Group?

    Ok.... I'm not sure if i'm retarded or i've got crap seeds but its been close to 4 days and they havnt moved an inch.... I have 2 plates, one over the top of the other and 4 seeds in the middle of them wrapped in tea towels wet with tap water. Its pretty cold over here but i still think they...
  8. CaveChest

    New style lowryder. Experiment w/pics

    The news! Well there isn't really any news except that its growing a stalk! And its got leaves and thats a good start.... I predict that it will grow slowly seeing as it doesn't have a tap root...Also! nutes, i'm using the normal AG ones when do you reckon i should put the first set in...
  9. CaveChest

    New style lowryder. Experiment w/pics

    Hey yo. Ok this is the story. So i started up the ol AG again. Had my lil seed germinating in the grow sponge and he finally sprouted up with his little green leaves showing. I thought "sweet i'll make a time laps" so i got out the camera and tripod in order to begin taking photos and...
  10. CaveChest

    homamade highs?

    This is the bag i got it cost me $5.30 Australian for 50g's bought it at a herb store in Griffith ACT. There isn't really much more proof i can give....
  11. CaveChest

    homamade highs?

    prefer what? do you guys really not believe me?
  12. CaveChest

    homamade highs?

    :D i have a bag of Damiana sitting right next too me. and it tastes good. Sorry for not having up to date info, but nobody else had mentioned it so i thought it might be worth mentioning... Obviously not.
  13. CaveChest

    OG KUsh

    Hey thanks for the link.... But it says "forbidden" when i open it.... :( Any suggestions? Peace J
  14. CaveChest

    homamade highs?

    Alright Homies! Nuff talk bout sex :D I got news. Damiana and Mugwort Both legal, both herbs both good for smokin Damiana relaxes you like all hell, its super cheap its legal and easy to get hold of. (nothing like weed just a nice mild buzz and relaxing feeling) Mugwort: Aparently induces lucid...
  15. CaveChest

    OG KUsh

    Sweet man, i've always wanted to check out all these different strains that i read about on RIU, but its pretty freakin hard to find here in AU p.s Don't be sorry man its all love Peace J
  16. CaveChest

    Help!Plant growing at 90 degree angle...(pics)

    ROFL!!!! I love first time growers :D Buddy dont worry bout a thing, these plants are almost impossible to kill. My plants probably have a higher survival rate than i do driving to school. Everything will be fine Peace J
  17. CaveChest

    Grower's group? Research Group?

    Dude totally agree. I had a massive argument with someone cause i said something like "i heard aspirin changes the sex of your plant and also femenizes pollen" A whole bunch of people said "dude thats bullshit" but not one of them could tell me why. So i tried it and it went hermi, as for the...
  18. CaveChest

    OG KUsh

    I read it, so i'm posting Sounds good....but theres no chance of getting it over here in au so it doesnt mean much to me. Stop writing in caps, its pretty anoying. Where do you live if you buy bud from stores? Cali? Are you a medical patient? Peace J
  19. CaveChest

    Grower's group? Research Group?

    Hello What kinda experiments are you thinking? I'm starting a new grow atm so i'm happy to try something out for you