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  1. UAmedicGrower

    Lighting System for Seedlings

    I plan on switching to the warm white when I switch to flower. From what I understand HPS is overall the better route but when your on a fixed budget and you dont want to drive up the electric bill, I gotta get creative and use the cheapest option.
  2. UAmedicGrower

    The Overly Repetitive Question of: When to put a plant into flowering.

    Shes deff a female from my knowledge, white pistols present since Jan. But I did notice that only the new side growth has pistols like the the main stalks either lost them a while ago but I know they were there in the beginning, also the long white points are crossing white I was told was also...
  3. UAmedicGrower

    The Overly Repetitive Question of: When to put a plant into flowering.

    Is it possible to wait too long and not being able to put into flower?
  4. UAmedicGrower

    The Overly Repetitive Question of: When to put a plant into flowering.

    I would have originally not posted this question that would have done some research on my own, the only problem is that there's so many different answers out there and so many different views on this topic that I would like to post a new topic and see what the average answer to this question is...
  5. UAmedicGrower

    Lighting System for Seedlings

    Call me ghetto or a newb but this worked for me and continues to do so: Make a hood out of a duct Drill 3 holes, half-dollar in size Go to your local hardware store and buy 3 socket splitters and 3 weather-proof sockets Buy an extension cord and wire the sockets serially Insert splitters...
  6. UAmedicGrower

    leafs curled under?????

    Thank you for that chart, it answers like 4 problems that Ive been having that I couldnt find an answer to. Much appreciated