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  1. Nugglet

    Update on my setup:)

    I am flowering them now lol... and yes i got both at home depot. Im thinking about mountin some cfls to the sides of the cabnit as well.. what do you guys think?
  2. Nugglet

    Update on my setup:)

    Also sorry to post again, Do u think i should LST it some? Would that help the light in other bud sights? If so, which parts of the plant do i tie down? like just grab branchs buy the node and start tiein them down? what is a good trick to it? and by my pictures is it a good idea or just let it go?
  3. Nugglet

    Update on my setup:)

    I cant get a HPS for this set up. So what should i do to make up for it? How many more cfls do i need? cause i've seen guys with not many cfls and pop out nice buds?
  4. Nugglet

    Update on my setup:)

    what exactly is a grow light? You mean like a reflector? How else could i add more cfls. And do i add more 2700K? or 6500K? Im thinking about getting a HPS for my next grow. How big should i get for 2 plants in that cabnit? and how much are they?
  5. Nugglet

    First grow with master kush

    sweet man!! Sounds sexy lol.. But why the lemons? haha
  6. Nugglet

    First grow with master kush

    Hey bro, are those slices of lemons around ur ladies? Fill me in!!
  7. Nugglet

    Update on my setup:)

    right on man. I haven't read the book yet but i def will. Thanks for the tip dude. Yeah i got 4 on each plant right now and one on the side. I think once they get higher i will possibly add more. Im not quite sure of the watts of the balbs. i've been going by the K. They say 6500K for veg and...
  8. Nugglet

    Update on my setup:)

    I think so.. im lookin for peoples inputs but no one is answering lol..
  9. Nugglet

    Update on my setup:)

    Just at any home depot store or something like that in the electrical section. Its just a light socket which has a adapter for a light balb, cost like 3 bucks. And then i just bought Y splitters. Which are also about 3 bucks a piece.
  10. Nugglet

    Update on my setup:)

    Come on guys ;P I need some input lol
  11. Nugglet

    Update on my setup:)

    Hello all. I've been working on this setup for a while. Finally i got this cabnit build. I'm using -MG soil with preferts(:S) lol -cfls 6500K veg///2700K Flower -2 5" fan stacked for exhaust with homemade carbon filter. 3" hole for intake - 5" fan blowing on plants. I have 2 plants going. 1...
  12. Nugglet

    Smell control

    yeah man i did that too.. for about 2 days lol.. got tired of putting dryer sheets on that damn fan. Plus once ur babies get bigger it wont work trust me lol. Well it didnt for me man. Carbon filter saved me tho :P
  13. Nugglet

    Finally got molasses,now how do i use it?

    Yes Molasses will ferment. If you Mix it up with the water, Im not really sure how much is the mixing ratio, but buy a air stone that u put in fish tanks and put that it with it and it helps keep it from fermenting. So im told anyways.
  14. Nugglet

    Soil help. +rep

    no kidding lol. Not cool haha. So if you throw in a air stone it keeps that from happening. Good to know :P Thanks a million guys.
  15. Nugglet

    Soil help. +rep

    oh okay i know what u mean by a air stone now. But what am i trying to keep from fermenting? the molasses? Is there some sort of reaction that happends? Sorry for the newb questions lol. But this topic is new to moi haha
  16. Nugglet

    Soil help. +rep

    Alright blackstrap it is. Is that a brandname? And im guessing still located in the grocery store? lol
  17. Nugglet

    Soil help. +rep

    okay right on. Im stuck with the zero nutes for this grow due to the hole MG thing but i was thinking of Molasses. Does regular molasses u cook with work? and i didnt know it diluted itself inwater haha. Also whats a air stone dude?
  18. Nugglet

    Soil help. +rep

    okay sounds good on the soap issue and ill set a few holes in the soil away from the plant. About my molases question. Any comments?
  19. Nugglet

    Soil help. +rep

    On another note i noticed alot of guys adding molases? i think thats how u spell it lol. To thicken the buds. That wont screw with the nutes/PH will it? Also when should i add it? How often and how much?
  20. Nugglet

    Soil help. +rep

    No shit for real? never heard that before lol. And for the drainage holes ill poke a few in the soil. Close to the plant or farther away? And yes my pots have holes for drainage.