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  1. Nugglet

    Need root help, quick

    That is alot of holes lol. I got like 5-6 holes in each pale that are smaller then that. But i water mine once every 2-3 days. What lights u got on them?
  2. Nugglet

    Need root help, quick

    no just leave it. If the roots have gone out the bottom u have plenty. Just leave it be... when u water how much are u watering? And how big are ur drainage holes lol
  3. Nugglet

    HTG supply question

    So i would like to order a 250 HPS. And i was going to do it from htgsupply cause there was one for 117$. But when i go to type in shippin info it only has 5 slots. Well im in canada and my zip is 6 lol. Anyone got any ideas where i can order from and get it shipped to canada? or a site that is...
  4. Nugglet

    Need root help, quick

    Try watering more often with less water dude. That may help. I know that when you starve your plants of water. Well not really starve but make then wait longer the soil drys out. Which makes roots grow like crazy seeking for water. Dont worry about transplanting again. Just keep it in that pot...
  5. Nugglet

    Update on my setup:)

    No prob dude. Cheers.
  6. Nugglet

    Update on my setup:)

    depends on what stage ur in. When im vegin all 6500K forsure. In my flowering i had 2 or 3 2700K for every 6500K. Some people do strickly 6500 for veg and 2700 for flower. But i switched it up and am doing fine. So all 6500K-veg 2:1 ///3:1 2700K 6500K --flower That make sense bud?
  7. Nugglet

    Update on my setup:)

    I have 4 on each plant. I have them set up so they circle the plant on the top. But once ur plants get higher u will need to locate a few cfls all around ur plants to help your other bud sites. Just cause cfls dont put out enough light to penetrate the leaves like HPS would. Cheers dude...
  8. Nugglet

    Update on my setup:)

    hey dude, Its not the lumens u need to look at really on the cfls atm. Its the K.. You want 6500K cfls for veg and 2700K for flowering. This is the temp of the balb. 6500K is called daylight balbs. They give off crazy white light. Its equivilent to the sun. But the 2700 are soft white. They are...
  9. Nugglet

    Question about humidity +REP

    exactly. My humidity right now is about 55-60 but if u want to raise it just throw a cup of water in ur box. Till the last few weeks of flowering then drop it just a little around 40-50 to prevent mold. Just like they said above. Good luck dude. Cheers.
  10. Nugglet

    What hps should i get For this?

    Im going to put the light in a cabnit. The one in the pictures earlier. I do have intake and exhaust and fans within the cabnit. But i was hoping to no spend a ton of money on this. I see 150 Watt hps for like 65$ on ebay. Would that be enought? Do you think the temps would shoot sky high and i...
  11. Nugglet

    What hps should i get For this?

    Alright. How expensive is it to make a cooltube or something to keep it cool in there?
  12. Nugglet

    What hps should i get For this?

    So 250 is prob good for me? What kinda temps and difficulties will i run into with this? Also power cost? any ideas?
  13. Nugglet

    What hps should i get For this?

    haha ya, im thinking 400 might be a little to much for that box tho. Maybe 250? how do you control heat temps with theses lights? ive seen people talking about a cool tube. But is it nescesary for a 250? i have good intake and exhaust? Temp never goes over 80
  14. Nugglet

    Update on my setup:)

    yeah the only prob with the cfls is you have to locate them all around the plant because they dont put out enough to go through the leaves etc.. the HPS penetrates a lot better i guess. And for my box circling the plants with cfls is a no go :S
  15. Nugglet

    What hps should i get For this?

    400 man? that seems really big for like 1 or two plants? lol.. Is there any forums here about all hps help? But i dont know much about them so you prob are right lol
  16. Nugglet

    What hps should i get For this?

    Sorry guys. lol here is the pics
  17. Nugglet

    What hps should i get For this?

    Here is my cabnit and curently i have a cfl grow going. What hps should i use for 1 or 2 plants tops in this cabnit? Also is buying hps from ebay a good/bad idea? what is a good site to order from? and if anyone has any good treads for me about hps can u send them my way:P Cheers NuGz
  18. Nugglet

    Update on my setup:)

    Yeah i got both at home depot. And im thinking about the 150 hps, but i know nothing about hps ill have to do some reading up on it. Also.. will 150 hps heat that box up to much?
  19. Nugglet

    Ciggs and Weed.. the aftermath

    comepletely agree man. After smoke toke is must. I smoke about a pack a day and usually when we Smoke we sit down and drink beers and smoke for like 4 hours straight haha.. and after a few hits of whatever smoking device im using that night i always have a cig.. and it makes the high sooo much...
  20. Nugglet

    Update on my setup:)

    your going to "still" my design? lol im confused?