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  1. Nugglet

    My 1st Grow! (O.G kush No#18, Chocolope, Calafornai Hash Plant)

    That box is pretty small dude. If ur gonna be using a 600Whps for flowering u better get some hardcore vents going. Or are you going cooltube method? Also i do like ur setup. but ur gonna have to go like 12/12 from seed if u don want ur plants over 1foot 7". And even then u better LST. But...
  2. Nugglet

    can u overdose on molassas

    Some people say it will make ur pH go out of wack. Personally molasses is said to thicken bud sizes if u use it the last 2 weeks or so before flushing instead of nutes. It does make sense, but becareful from bugs and shit due to sugar right? Just stick to the basic 1 tbs to 1 gallon of water...
  3. Nugglet

    How i can get humidity

    Exactly. Both methods work perfect. I usually just throw a glass of water in there. The only reason i would chose that over a towel is becuase the whole fire thing haha.
  4. Nugglet

    first time grower plant checkup

    yeah man the plant looks very healthy. A little stretched but not to bad. When bud sites appear you will prob end up with 1 main cola, but a few smaller ones around the plant. A 400HPS does work rather well to penetrate leaves so u got no issues there. JUst control ur heat, and ur pH like u said...
  5. Nugglet

    What is this? +rep!!

    Just bumping this thread. I moved my lights up a little bit and i did cut my intake hole a little more. But i let it go all night and checked it this morning before work and the temps were really high again... Is it possible that those 12 cfls may be too hot? haha. I ordered a 150W hps to put in...
  6. Nugglet

    What is this? +rep!!

    i thought ur intake was suppose to be smaller so it created the suction ? And i still have not added any nutes... It grew fine till yesterday. Been in the same soil for 3 weeks now..
  7. Nugglet

    What is this? +rep!!

    No im using no Nutes. The soil i have is Pre-fert for like 6 months so i didnt touch any nutes...
  8. Nugglet

    What is this? +rep!!

    well I transplanted into this pot with this soil after it died. But It was growing fine till now. The reason i dont think its nute burn is cause its like curling leaves and only on new growth. I did move the cfls up a bit and i turned the fans on high. So should i make a little bigger intake...
  9. Nugglet

    What is this? +rep!!

    Hey guys.. okay so this is my first grow and i've def learned alot from all you guys here so THANKS sooo much but here is another problem i just ran into. Im on 12/12 now for about a week and a half maybe 2 and the plant was doing amazing till i check today and it kinda looks like heat stress...
  10. Nugglet

    Indoor to outdoor?

    right on. Well becuase my light cycle is the way it is ill just have to wait lol.. next year i want to throw a couple seeds 0utside and see if they will grow. Im also gonna keep my indoor setup going tho.
  11. Nugglet

    Indoor to outdoor?

    Yeah the only this is my cycle is lights off during the day and lights on at night... so if i were to switch it now and put them outside it would prob screw something up?
  12. Nugglet

    Indoor to outdoor?

    Hey guys. I have a female plant about a foot tall or so been in flower for little over a week. The weather here does suck usually lol.. (lots of rain) but the next 2 weeks its suppose to be crazy hot outside. Im only using cfls atm awaiting on my HPS light to arrive haha. But would this do the...
  13. Nugglet

    150 vS 250 HPS

    Here is the box.. but im running low on cash dude. Got that 150 on order and lots of cfls to work with. But the t5 may be out of the picture for now.
  14. Nugglet

    This HPS work?

    dude i dunno where u got a 400w hps set up for 50 bucks but if so u should post some shit cause people are paying 100's for that shit
  15. Nugglet

    This HPS work?

    yup they do.. but htg doesnt ship to canada
  16. Nugglet

    This HPS work?

    i will have a few cfls on the sides as well.. i just didnt want to have cfls for colas too you know? Im hoping it works a little better then just cfls.
  17. Nugglet

    150 vS 250 HPS

    Perfect. Thanks for all the help man. I will be ordering today. :D Cheers NuGZ
  18. Nugglet

    This HPS work?

    Here is a 150 HPS i have a small grow up. 1 or two plants. Is this one gonna work with a few cfls?
  19. Nugglet

    150 vS 250 HPS

    right on sounds perfect. I Will place that order. My only other question is the light one? it says medium bulb?
  20. Nugglet

    150 vS 250 HPS

    Okay man im gonna order the first one. The one that looks like its in a clamp reflector. It says its a medium base 150HPS bulb. Whats the medium base mean? The reason im going for this one over the others is cause the shipping price is unknown for the rest. So i could get fuked up the ass lol