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  1. ibitegirls

    Mini Fridge Grow Box- Help Please!

    lmfao, i could just picture that haha. good lucky with the fridge dude, i would advise just using a uhaul box instead of that..
  2. ibitegirls

    Can You Veg a Small Flowering Clone?

    keep a dome on it and wait 2 weeks for roots to form, and you should be good
  3. ibitegirls

    Indoor - DWC 2x600w - Jack the Ripper+SSH+White Russian+Blue Dream+Strawberry Cream

    does that portable A/C eat up a lot of electricity?
  4. ibitegirls


    kill it before they open, trust us
  5. ibitegirls

    2nd Loryder PC Grow

    nice job! keep it up
  6. ibitegirls

    Question about Hps Light

    FYI: normal plants sitting in the sun outside get about 10,000 lumens per sqft. The Sun Light provides 16,000 lumens, so if you can get some CFLs to add another 4,000 lumens you should be straight!
  7. ibitegirls

    2nd Grow : Grapefruit Krush (Seed 2 Smoke) & Exodus Cheese , King's Kush & Hammerhead

    looks nice, i dont see any nute burn... but you want to be careful let the soil dry out for couple days and go from there. good luck with finding the seeds... i do that shit all time
  8. ibitegirls

    150w Box Grow

    thats good, but why not put them in pots and use a bigger box with mylar? you can get those emergency mylar blankets for really cheap
  9. ibitegirls

    Question about Hps Light

    150 Watt is for 2 plants in a very small 2x2 type of area. Not something you want for 4 plants. Why? Because it will not penetrate to the lower leafs, that is unless you use CFLs along with the 150 Watt
  10. ibitegirls

    140w Hps

    anything that circulates air would do, check out what other growers are using and do your own research. search button is ur friend
  11. ibitegirls

    140w Hps

    Don't know about seed websites, but you should always have ventilation and a fan blowing inside of the grow no matter what light you are using. Ventilation is very important and without the fans the humidity will be high and your plants will stress/mold.
  12. ibitegirls

    Help! How Do I Use My Fertilizers?

    For odor removal a lot of the growers here use this: It is called TrueAir and costs about 15 bucks, i put two of them in my grow box and it works for small operations...
  13. ibitegirls

    Help! How Do I Use My Fertilizers?

    buy a pH kit from a hydro store, they cost like 5 bucks. then measure the pH level of the water and make sure the pH level is below 7 if your fridge has a filter then that water might be ok to use, but like i said you should at least confirm the pH is below 7
  14. ibitegirls

    Help! How Do I Use My Fertilizers?

    right, but mix in a GALLON of water and test it out to see how your plants respond. Also, water with nutrients EVERY OTHER watering cycle, do not water them with nutrients every time you water ok? I personally use Arrowhead Spring water which has PH level of 6.8. I buy the 99cent gallons from...
  15. ibitegirls

    I Grow Big Plants

    unreal skills there my friend. keep up the good work, and please accept my condolences to those plants you lost. that's really tough. you take 100-200 cuttings a week off of how many plants? that sounds like a good business haha
  16. ibitegirls

    How's My Baby Doing?

    yeah not sure what he means by that, I think he means it will taste better.
  17. ibitegirls

    How's My Baby Doing?

    From what I've read, the 2 day dark period causes the plant to go into full bloom mode because the plant believes it is dying and winter is near. Now if this is true or not I do not know, but some of the vets do this so it's worth a try...
  18. ibitegirls

    XJ-13 and Mystery Clone U-Haul Grand Wardrobe Box Grow (150 HPS Watt Light)

    Hello All, Here is a Grand Wardrobe Box style grow with two clones purchased from a clinic. One of the clones is a Sativa Jack Herer x G13 and the other is Mystery clone of unknown genetics (indica). Setup: 150HPS 4 Computer fans, 2 for intake and 2 for removing the air at the top of the box...
  19. ibitegirls

    Is This a Fire Hazard?

    a little bit of light leakage probably won't cause hermie, but you never know... you should be using fans to circulate the air. For this 150 HPS medical box grow, here is a setup with two computer fans pulling air from the bottom and two 120MM computer fans at the top pulling air out. There is...