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  1. ibitegirls

    ocean forest soil

    yes you need perlite to break up the soil. but if you already planted the CLONE leave it alone. if you hold the soil in your fist and let go, it should break apart. Perlite helps to make soil more loose, and this encourages healthy root development PLANTING MIXES The most important...
  2. ibitegirls

    ocean forest soil

    Soil Mixes Indoors soil mixes can be messy and a lot of work. It is much easier to buy good potting soil and mixin about 10-15 percentperlite and some form of micronutrient and trichoderma bacte-ria that causes roots to absorb nutrients better. Do not use backyard soil. Do not reuse soil unless...
  3. ibitegirls

    Seeds won't germinate....

    this can happen if the seeds are 1 year or older. thats what ive noticed in my experiments. if they don't pop after 5 days, then your probably out of luck. Step 1: STEPONE: Day1 Presoak seeds in a glass ofplain (distilled) water for 24 hours. Do not soak longer or they could rot. At first seeds...
  4. ibitegirls

    do i have enough light

    should get pound easily, more if you get lucky and conditions are prime
  5. ibitegirls

    which stain is better

    c. both strains
  6. ibitegirls

    600W C99 Organic Scrog

    the duct hose in this picture, "2434950d1352658042-600w-c99-organic-scrog-2012-11-09-15.40.05.jpg" why so many 90 degree angles? every time you angle it that direction it decreases air flow by large amount, but maybe you know that already and don't care :D
  7. ibitegirls

    First grow - help!

    250 HID. good luck.
  8. ibitegirls

    Most narcotic strain? I want some heroin like buds.

    Sannie seeds is way to go
  9. ibitegirls

    Did my clone turn Hermie?? please check out pic.

    better picture would help....
  10. ibitegirls

    Im confused with this PRE-FLOWER JAZZ!??

    i dont see any flowers...hope its a female though :D
  11. ibitegirls

    Can i remove the fans leaves

    well you haven't flowered yet, i would wait until you flower.
  12. ibitegirls

    I need advice on my perpetual grow

    well you have all those mothers, so why only clone from one plant? 4 mothers is a lot to keep track of, however, you should consider your options and pick two mothers. thats what i would do
  13. ibitegirls

    Preflowers on clones?

    i've bought clones that had pre flowers on them, you can wait for more bud sites or start flowering them right away... depending on how big you want them to get. personally i think 2-3 weeks is more than enough and you should flower.. good luck
  14. ibitegirls

    Help me choose from list of CLONES!!! Opionions needed!

    they matter because i've never tried any of these strains before, sir thanks for the comment any how
  15. ibitegirls

    Help me choose from list of CLONES!!! Opionions needed!

    What is your favorite? I have access to these clones and need some opinions! Regards, ibg
  16. ibitegirls

    Newbie botanist wondering what yall think? How am i doin?

    something about those leaves does not look right, they seem to be curling some what. what are you temperatures like?
  17. ibitegirls

    Actinovate? Powdery mildew

    sulfur burner and greencure are what i have seen recommended. good luck with it, i currently have it on one of my clones that i got from a club and it is just annoying as hell
  18. ibitegirls

    Branches opened in the stem connection

    it won't mold, i've accidentally pulled branches off that had left MUCH bigger holes in my plant. your plant is perfectly fine.
  19. ibitegirls

    Powery Mildew

    Neem Oil, dropping humidity wont help if you already have it. its almost impossible to get rid of because its inside your plants stems now... good luck!