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  1. ibitegirls

    bodhi seeds

    i use google, search using name and add bodhi. you can also search for grow reports, of which there are usually a lot depending on popularity.
  2. ibitegirls

    bodhi seeds

    space monkey - day 23... this plant does not stretch much
  3. ibitegirls

    bodhi seeds

    space monkey is a gorgeous plant. i have one pheno that is super vigorous grower and about half a foot taller than the others
  4. ibitegirls

    bodhi seeds

    next best thing is to grab a Goji cross.... it might even turn out better than the original ^__^
  5. ibitegirls

    bodhi seeds

    interesting. would you consider smart/air pots effective at pruning?
  6. ibitegirls

    bodhi seeds

    looks like you need to transplant them into bigger container... aren't you having to water frequently with them in the small party cups?
  7. ibitegirls

    bodhi seeds

    as in tonight? any idea what is dropping?
  8. ibitegirls

    bodhi seeds

    Yeah i saw the other one just now haha. Going to probably chop them tomorrow and start over. But this time i won't top the plants. I think they hated being topped, but thats just my theory
  9. ibitegirls

    bodhi seeds

    my goji's are 2nd week of flower and i've found small little seed pod looking growth on both female plants. i pulled them all off. should i continue growing them or stop here and cut my losses? What y'all think is better idea? here is one of the pods i found..
  10. ibitegirls

    bodhi seeds

    Confirmed these two are females (Goji). 2 out of 6 this time. not bad i topped mine so they wouldn't get too tall
  11. ibitegirls

    bodhi seeds

    Here are six Goji's. 6/6 sprouted on Xmas. Zero issues so far in organic soil. Feed them by brewing tea's. The tallest one (in the back to the right) is extremely vigorous and tall to the point where it stands out alone. Might be a male, who knows. The rest of the bunch are about average height...
  12. ibitegirls

    bodhi seeds

    [OMG x 88G13HP] [SPACE MONKEY] [WOLF PACK] [DREAM LOTUS] What should I start next? Can only do 6 at a time
  13. ibitegirls

    bodhi seeds

    SSDD... not to go off on a tangent, but what you put in your body also has association with anxiety levels. a whole plant based diet can work wonders and make you more calm
  14. ibitegirls

    bodhi seeds

    good news is gojis popped 6 for 6. rapid rooters are legit af bad news is i went to two stores and both sold out of earthworm castings. then i went to home depot and that was a mistake. i need my worm poop mang
  15. ibitegirls

    bodhi seeds

    For those of you that grew out the Wolf Pack strain, were there any special phenos to be found?
  16. ibitegirls

    bodhi seeds

    Thanks. Found this old post from bodhi on breedbay as well: "omg is a seedline i got long ago as old afghani from a private collector. its a beautiful lemon spice classic vintage commercial afghani. leans more to the hindu kush side then the acrid leathery stout plains afghani. has a perfect...
  17. ibitegirls

    bodhi seeds

    what is Old Mother Ghani lineage? anyone know?
  18. ibitegirls

    bodhi seeds

    any info on this one? Deep Line Alchemy 7 (old mother afghani x 88g13hp)
  19. ibitegirls

    bodhi seeds

    ssdd is curing in jars.. today is day 14. I have not done this in a while so i wanted some advice. the humidity in jars is fluctuating with the room humidity... last week it was 60%, this week its 65% should i continue burping for 1 minute a day until it reaches below 60%??