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  1. rollingrock

    Swiss Cheese And Quick Ones In 2 Tents Journal

    well these are the pics as promised the ones in flower got a bit to cold a few days ago but there picking up now the 5 bigger ones are the swiss cheese the smaller ones are the quick ones auto flowers
  2. rollingrock

    Swiss Cheese And Quick Ones In 2 Tents Journal

    just placed a 150watt cfl in the veg tent to go with the cfl
  3. rollingrock

    Harvest is near, sample was not that strong...

    personaly i would use a 600w, give them a quarter turn every day so all sides of plants get equal light. could be there is not enough light getting to them? but could be 101 other reasons, try adding more light if possable.
  4. rollingrock

    Harvest is near, sample was not that strong...

    by the way how many plants you got? and what light are you useing????
  5. rollingrock

    Harvest is near, sample was not that strong...

    when the trichs are at least 50% amber then try it, cut a small bud off then put it ontop of your reflector, withen a few hours it should be ready for a test smoke, from what you say i would give them an extra week or 2, but like another poster said it is in the last few weeks that things start...
  6. rollingrock

    Harvest is near, sample was not that strong...

    dont worry about it? white widow can take up to 12 weeks in flower, the bag seed however will very, if you dont know what strain they come from then they could be anything and the finish times will vary. go with the trichs 50% amber 50% clear or more amber if possible. alot depends on your...
  7. rollingrock

    Growing In The Loft In The UK

    this is the link to my grow journal
  8. rollingrock

    Swiss Cheese And Quick Ones In 2 Tents Journal

    YOU MAY POST COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS IN MY JOURNAL BUT IF YOU HAVEN'T ANY THING CONSTRUCTIVE TO SAY THEN SAY NOTHING hi all, this is gunna be my first grow journal from start to finish. i have done one before but never had time to complete it fully so i thought this would be my first. this is...
  9. rollingrock

    Growing In The Loft In The UK

    morning GHB thanks for that, i will have a think about weather to start a new thread for the journal. will keep you all posted
  10. rollingrock

    Growing In The Loft In The UK

    does anyone know how i can transfere this thread into a grow journal section???
  11. rollingrock

    Growing In The Loft In The UK

    thanks for the post, didnt know you could get plug in ones untill now? i have only stayed away from them because the ones i saw meant they had to be hard wired into the appliance. nice one m8.
  12. rollingrock

    Growing In The Loft In The UK

    hi BIGSYKO75 all info is welcome on this thread, was the thermostat easy to install?? but surly for the combined price you payed you could have got a oil filled rad for less around the £25 mark (i think)? on a second note does the tube heater do its job efficiently
  13. rollingrock

    Growing In The Loft In The UK

    well i havnt done jack shit this weekend just chillin? CKCKCK you are right about being cold here, last night was -2 and its gunna get colder. at the end of the day all i want to do is keep the loft around 65 degreese lights off just ordered 2 of them 2ft tube heaters, problem is there is no...
  14. rollingrock

    Growing In The Loft In The UK

    i will be starting it this weekend hopefully? and i will take photos from start to finish, infact i will do a proper grow journel this time instead of my half finished ones lol. i will keep you updated and post links to it. at the moment i am vegging 5 swiss cheese and 5 auto flowering called...
  15. rollingrock

    Growing In The Loft In The UK

    hi ze4 were you from country wise?? if your from the states the law as i understand in the states is they can't use choppers to detect grow ops anymore, something about your constitutal rights. so hows your loft set out you must have it WELL insulated??
  16. rollingrock

    Growing In The Loft In The UK

    thanks for your help ghb, just gave you rep+ i will have a look and see wot i can come up with
  17. rollingrock

    Growing In The Loft In The UK

    just had a look online but can only find it in sheet/block form.
  18. rollingrock

    Reflective Sheeting

    panda film is the equal to silver mylar in the uk, it costs about £2-£3 per meter depending were you get it from, best place is your hydro shop.
  19. rollingrock

    Growing In The Loft In The UK

    thanks GHB so what price am i looking at per roll??
  20. rollingrock

    Growing In The Loft In The UK

    thanks for the reply jondamon. i was going to blow the heat back in to a unused room (filterd through a carbon filter of course) i would like to keep the room at a steady 75 degrese lights on and 68 lights off. even at 75 with all the insulation surly wouldnt pose to much of a heat issue for...