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  1. inforce

    new grow setup

    well anyways i was gonna finish making the setup but i went and bought an engagement ring and sub / amp from the pawn shop. I blew my whole check there lol.. i went home with like 18 bucks =[ ..
  2. inforce


    KI.. man that game was fun.. I used to play that one guy with the mohawk
  3. inforce


    man i hope maybe i could get 4-500 bucks.. that would be cool. Yah lately ive been itching for some war3, so yah maybe im gonna go get it like next week. You all check the threads here everyday like me so getting a game together wouldnt be hard. I am on msn too [email protected] (Jason), so hit...
  4. inforce


    aww man i feel left out. Maybe i need to buy a battlechest and get on bnet with you guys. Find one more and we can have like a 2v2 or a ffa! We could all get baked and play war3!
  5. inforce


    warcraft 2 owns. =p
  6. inforce

    CaB STeAlth Grow /w Cfl'S - FiRst groW - MisTy, Speed Queen

    You should definitely look into new soil. The plant should be thriving even under watering every 3-4 days. I think it's your soil holding you back personally. Buy some new higher grade stuff. I wonder, did you soil in the bag come with fertalizer already in the mix? Some package weed killing...
  7. inforce


    Well I am quitting world of warcraft.. I too used to play warcraft and war2 back in the day. World of Warcraft consumed me and within the past year I have put in over 1680hours (when i type /played to show my total playtime, it's 75 full days or around there).. So im only playing like 1 hr per...
  8. inforce

    new grow setup

    Here is the space I have to work with. Not too bad, Like 4-5ft high and ample width, and since it's in the closet and i dont have many visitors i can leave it open a few inches, plus that will eliminate over heating. When I get some money Im going to buy the rest of the setup. Anyone know any...
  9. inforce

    new grow setup

    I am going to be starting my first professional real-grow soon. I have completed an attempt at a grow but wasn't as successfull as it should have been. The plant was sick from over nuting' / water. A common mistak by newbs. So to correct my newbness i figured out what was wrong and saved the...
  10. inforce

    fucken cat

    lol. damn pets eh?
  11. inforce

    can you smoke shrooms?

    tried it. smoked a half bag 1/8th of shrooms (libertys) and it did absolutely nothing.. however ate the other half 1/8th with a friend and guess what happened 30mins later.. trails. spinning. PUKE and i was high as freaking hell. friend was talking to matchsticks. hah!
  12. inforce

    The Chronic and what You did this weekend!

    HAH i don't think i've ever been that noobish to say that.. maybe his family was chruchy or something. hahha "do" pot. Thats like 50's shit. Crazy. Not that being from the 50's is a bad thing. I smoked with that old guy this weekend and had the best weed ive had in a very long time. I just...
  13. inforce

    The Chronic and what You did this weekend!

    Halo.. i knew i forgot something. I took a stint in half life 2. Still trying to beat it.. longass game.. I have halo 2 on vista so i gotta dual boot back to it.. but it looked fun, also looked good for being out on computer so late. I spend most of my time online in XP gaming or in WoW.
  14. inforce

    What you listening to right now?

    blink 182 -dude ranch and then bad religion -no control
  15. inforce

    Ever Throw Up while smoking?

    Yah i puked when i smoked a bowl of my first chronic bud. Just got so damn dizzy and lterally had to "Crawl" to the bathroom to puke up like 50 times. CRAZY. Best damn weed i have ever smoked. I think i smoked way to much of it,. Maybe i smoked more than a bowl. I dunno. All i know is i...
  16. inforce

    The Chronic and what You did this weekend!

    My friend got himself a 4 gramish bud from a friend here in town and split it with me after we left his place. While i was there we got high and smoked some of it. I smoked like 3 good hits of it just thinking it was normal local weed that of the kind that you usually get here. Little did i...
  17. inforce

    1 week into flowering

    Paying attention to the trichomes you should be able to tell within a few days when it's nice and ready to chop n' hang. =p But yah 2 weeks.. no.. the trics hardly had anytime to fill and get potent =p
  18. inforce

    Favourite Track When Stoned??

    any iron maiden.
  19. inforce

    Are Female Growers Hot?

    lol just gotta look for em
  20. inforce

    Are Female Growers Hot?

    theres hotties..