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  1. dirtyshawa

    probation violation

    btw, that month shit is a myth. there is no way thc's lingering effect can be quantified because, people have varying degrees of body fat. the lower your body fat the faster thc leaves the body.
  2. dirtyshawa

    probation violation

    calm down, bra. all you have to do is drink water and you'll be fine. i'm going to give you two scenarios which will see you through. 1. eliminate sodas from your diet and make water the foundation of all fluids you consume, next, exercise or involve yourself in activity that makes you have a...
  3. dirtyshawa

    Strain That Makes You LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF!

    sour diesel, sour diesel, sour diesel
  4. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    sounds interesting and right up the road.
  5. dirtyshawa

    First ever grow, grow journal.

  6. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    lol, green crack? i smoked up all my sour d thursday and now i'm smoking some midget, she is alright, no seeds but, she ain't no sour d.
  7. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    wow, i see your still trolling every post in this thread. but, anyway, good looking on the +rep everybody. i'd like to take the time to clear up my motive for starting this thread. i heard the theory before but, i never threw any validity to it, but, i saw a review of the documentary and i was...
  8. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    it's not my fault i scored a 92 on the azvab and had a very long choice of options. it's not my fault your life is the way it is. it's not my fault you don't have a television. it's not my fault your unhappy. animosity and envy get you know where. as far as trolling, you prove my point more and...
  9. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    VCU- computer science now put that in your crack pipe and smoke itbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
  10. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    never stated that i did make a change and i'm trying to figure out how this post relates to my quote but, if anyone were to actually look at the documentary which details 100 years of our countries involvement in "false flagging" you would know i was furnishing knowledge about such a history...
  11. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    what the fuck is a moonbat? you need to watch fox news, with your ignorance you'd fit right in. debating you is like arguing with a female, they just don't want to look at the facts no matter how much they stare them in the face. but, that's cool, now i know what demographic you fall under, the...
  12. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    you a funny ass dude, i've been to college. been in the army, the pen, and probably ran through more money than you've seen in your life. run home to my momma, funny, lol. i got a house cars and some more shit. no, you need to grow up and stop acting like you know what's going on when your...
  13. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    wow....................i tried to see your point of view. i give your a fact based documentary and you chose ignorance over history. where you the one who said something about a high horse and not seeing other peoples point of view? it's all good, keep on fucking with bush and see were he gets...
  14. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    i don't know what your talking about but, i'm a try and answer your questions. 1. iraq is apart of opec and we import about 5.3million barrels a day from them. iraq is the fourth largest exporter of oil to the u.s. from opec at about 10,000 to 16,000 barrels a month. those #'s are from 07' so...
  15. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    okay, i read all the links. have you looked at the documentary? get at me when you've looked at the documentary then we can debate.
  16. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    it doesn't have to get here, just the world production of it has to rise. stocks are based on predictions. therefore, if there is a lot more physical oil than actual consumption the value drops and gas prices follow suit.
  17. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    what facts are you talking about that have been debunked? the facts that i'm taking about are on the documentary from the thread starter. watch the doc. then debunk the history of "false flagging" what the fuck are you talking about? who started this sheep shit? i never called anybody sheep...
  18. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    whoa, your over looking the fact that only the major western oil companies are vying for these contracts. irrefutable, never said it, i see your starting that fox news double talk thing, but that's okay, let's address your issues with my comments. exxon, shell, bp, chevron, and total are...
  19. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    no, not at all? in fact if you disagree i gladly welcome the debate. my only hope when such a debate occurs is that a constructive ideology is formed out of it, not just i think this and i saw that on tv. i started this thread with a question which i don't necessarily have a stand on as of yet...
  20. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    it seems that you don't want to know the truth. that's sad to see, you being an american. it's a shame that your willing to give up your liberty in the name of freedom when they are one in the same. oh, what has bush done good for the country?