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  1. dirtyshawa

    Odor Control Question

    i just came from the hydro store and got the waterfarm 8-pack and my lights etc. etc. now, that i'm home i realized i forgot to get some odor control. i know about Ona gel and that's about it but, i'm doing a somewhat commercial, with larger plants, so, i know odor will be a issue. i've heard...
  2. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    Originally Posted by dirtyshawa Nobody seems to police you savages....i didn't know that you felt the same.
  3. dirtyshawa

    Drug Dealers

    i feel where people are coming from when they think they're not selling drugs, but, let's see you tell that shit to the judge. i believe marijuana is a herb, but, if you get caught with enough, it won't matter if you sell any or not, the powers that be make the assumption regardless. branding...
  4. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    ah, plagiarism............the greatest form of flattery. johnnyO, i think i'm a take you off my shit list.
  5. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    well, well, well i see it's been going down since i wasn't around. We Tarded, your killing them. it's a shame that those individuals making negative posts refuse to look at the facts, a damn shame. but, that's American pride for you, stubborn and right, even when dead wrong. after all my...
  6. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    nope, i check the things i call facts before i post. i feel i would do the viewers and myself a disservice if i didn't.
  7. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    this was my rebuttal to the comment, for the record.
  8. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    hell yeah, we tarded. i was just reading about them and hear you go with a movie, right on time. good looking!!! i'm a roll another dutch. i just got a new flat screen for my bedroom two days ago and my girl just reminded me that i can plug in my laptop to the flat and watch the movie through...
  9. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    oh, for the record, the richest and most powerful man in the world is worth between $9 and $25 million.
  10. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    you might have a point. i found this information about the bush families connection to them. How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power | World news | The Guardian
  11. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    true, true indeed. that hoe, pm'd me, though. what kind of shit is that? it's really funny to me. i know i really get down when it comes to beef, but, i've never had anybody write me and say, i'm a get you. what kind of shit is that. i'm a tell you that's some clown ass, hoe shit. only if he...
  12. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    talk is cheap!!! i'll tell you where i'm at and let's see what happens. i think you really have me confused. but, i'm a show you better than i can tell you. this clown pm'd me talking shit. i'm not one for all the tongue wrestling, DO SOMETHING!!!
  13. dirtyshawa

    weed hallucinations?

    FUCK YEAH!!!! you can hallucinate. i'm a spare the long ass stories but, i'm a give you the quick version of one. me and one of my closest road dogs where looking for some herb when we were in the army. this dude we knew through some girls we hung out with took us way out in the country parts of...
  14. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    when i was young i was fortunate enough to be blessed with a lot of teachers who were actual historians. throughout my education my fellow classmates and myself often challenged the accuracy of the historical curriculum in which we were being presented with. now to your question, Christopher...
  15. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    tag, Good Job Partner
  16. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    i'm never scared, it's funny how gullible people are, lol. lol, retarded. you know what i'm not even made at your post, that's your opinion and your entitled to it, but, it's quite obvious that your illiterate and poorly educated. to each his own though.
  17. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    secret societies, such as skull n bones and the order(oxford) are linked to the Illuminati. just to make things a little more literal to the masses, i'll give you an example of the type of power that is out there when it refers to these secret societies. when i was in the army i became friends...
  18. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    Illuminati rules most of the major countries in the world. common knowledge, that our country has a long list of presidents and politicians who are or were free masons, furthermore, the Illuminati lineage originated from the free masons. in a complex and discreet manner they have been shaping...
  19. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    damn Illuminati
  20. dirtyshawa

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    still listening