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  1. dirtyshawa

    Is there such a thing as organic hydroponics?

  2. dirtyshawa

    If attitude rox,s,why dont they buy advert?

    isn't this site a .org. that means not for profit. so, that's probably why it's ran the way it is. as far as icmag not allowing free advertisement, i understand why. a large portion of the icmag community are extremely skilled at what they do and are highly reputable. so, advertisement is sort...
  3. dirtyshawa

    Is there such a thing as organic hydroponics?

    yes, to your question and no the terms don't contradict. plenty of organic hydro nutes on the market. if you really wanna get technical look for omri rated nutes.
  4. dirtyshawa

    Sannie's is the real deal!

    world class isn't it. do you have the green pheno? my experience with the purp pheno was heavy yielding, 12 weeker, candy floral can't put your finger on it on the taste, vertigo crippler. but, the green, shorter, 8-9 weeker was even stonger and more candyish. wait til the week 3 cure.
  5. dirtyshawa

    Coco coir based organic grow questions

    ok, coco is the best medium for every aspect of growing. coco is hydro, yields better than soil, retains the flavors that are arguably lost in hydro applications and is quite forgiving if you miss a feeding or over feed because, the medium rations and stores nutrients according to need of the...
  6. dirtyshawa

    Sannie's is the real deal!

    lol, yeah i feel you just try and keep it simple at first. sannie defintely has some fire. stay optimistic plants feed of that shit. i'll try and help if i can.
  7. dirtyshawa

    Coco coir based organic grow questions

    whoa, bankchips, why are you adding so, much stuff to the coco? have you ran these formulas before? are you new to coco and if so, you can go organic in a much more simplistic fashion? all i run is coco, i'm no expert but, i defintely know my shit and i'll try to help.
  8. dirtyshawa

    Sannie's is the real deal!

    yes, you are right my friend, but, there are endless types of hydro applications. i hand water coco so, lifting lids wouldn't be a problem for me. i've seen some excellent ebb scroggs. it really just depends on the application when it comes to difficulty.:bigjoint: severed, most people scrog...
  9. dirtyshawa

    Sannie's is the real deal!

    it's not hard at all. set the canopy height and weave the branches throw squares until full. it's actually quite simple. hydro makes no difference. what does is the type of hydro setup.
  10. dirtyshawa

    Humboldt Nutrients Organic Line

    it surely is thick and i thought the same thing after i purchased it. i still use grandma's molasses every other feeding from start to finish. my medium is coco and after a flush, i bubble up a batch of honey and myan micronzyme with a drop or two of superthrive and my bitches go nuts. :bigjoint:
  11. dirtyshawa

    attitudes response to fake dj short seeds

    nah, his shit is tight. who is the attitude? dj short doesn't need them, he's being breeding before i was born, dude is a cannabis revolutionary. he's probably contributed the most connouisseur cannabis information ever. you just have fake ass websites, selling fake genetics to noobs who don't...
  12. dirtyshawa

    attitudes response to fake dj short seeds

    attitude isn't an authorized distributor. if you pay attention to their statement they never claim to have been given or purchased seeds directly from dj short. they say they got them from planatstur or whatever. furthermore, i posted dj's statement about fake seeds and where to get authentic dj...
  13. dirtyshawa

    attitudes response to fake dj short seeds

    you know why they haven't been restocked because, dj doesn't give them seeds. he "only distributes to seedbay and seedboutique in canada and europe. i'm not telling people to buy from them i'm just trying to help people get authentic genetics and to stop being fooled because, of naivity. the...
  14. dirtyshawa

    Any true BOG seeds left?

    never tried bog, but, i've heard good things. i'd say try sannie he has alot of strains with alot of flavor and he's rarely sold out. what type of flavors are you looking to explore?
  15. dirtyshawa

    attitudes response to fake dj short seeds

    i did dipshit. that's why i asked and if they're getting their stock from dj directly why are they all out of stock, still? this is what dj said, Authenticity of stock—I have recently been informed of ‘Plantasur’ and do not know who they are. There is only one authorized distributor for the...
  16. dirtyshawa

    Any true BOG seeds left?

    yup, he started back up. seedbay and seedboutique but, you missed 'em. wait til the restocks. don't know about other websites
  17. dirtyshawa

    Sannie's is the real deal!

    great, just buy some. you'd be depriving yourself if you don't get something in your garden from sannie.
  18. dirtyshawa

    Blue Mountian Organics

    bmo doesn't work in coco. go with coco specific nutes