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  1. calkiggins

    what to do with my clones

    If they are well rooted then the 400w will be fine if not keep them under the florescent a little longer.
  2. calkiggins

    Do fertilizers have expiration dates?

    I used to have a little jug of liquid karma and it definitely smells the same, but I'm not confident enough in my smelling skills to determine if its old or not...
  3. calkiggins

    Do fertilizers have expiration dates?

    I was going to throw it out too but when I saw the price tag on it said $135.00 I gave it a second thought:)
  4. calkiggins

    Do fertilizers have expiration dates?

    Thanks for looking, it seems that if there was an expiration date that we would have found something, I also had the guy at the store go look at a brand new jug in case my exp. date wore off my jug and he said that there wasn't an exp. date on any of them.
  5. calkiggins

    Do fertilizers have expiration dates?

    Ok I called he said it should be ok and just to shake it up really well?? any other feedback?
  6. calkiggins

    Do fertilizers have expiration dates?

    no I tried to look it up on the internet but came up empty handed, and I looked all over the jug and cant find an expiration date, maybe I'll call my local grow shop and see if they know.
  7. calkiggins

    Do fertilizers have expiration dates?

    I just got a big jug of liquid karma from a friend theres about a quarter gone and he said its a few years old maybe more, I would like to use it so I was just wondering if it can go bad or if its safe to use?
  8. calkiggins

    My soil smells like sweaty nasty feet

    It kills the larvae and eggs the gnats lay in the soil so they don't eat the roots, got it at my local grow shop the guy there told me it was good stuff but you have to use it every week or 2 if you have a bad infestation, luckily I don't so I only used it the once and the problem seems to be...
  9. calkiggins

    My soil smells like sweaty nasty feet

    I hope it's not mold but I don't see any so I don't think thats the problem. I have had some gnat issues but keep them under control by constantly killing and trapping them, so anyway the soil smells funny it started about 2 days ago, 6 days ago I gave them caterpillar killer with the watering...
  10. calkiggins

    trimming fan leaves

    what?? the leaves on the bottom are dead and crispy so I removed them.
  11. calkiggins

    trimming fan leaves

    Wow what a controversial topic, I won't trim them but there are a few leaves on the very bottom that aren't looking too pretty so I'll just trim them, thanks for all the advice.
  12. calkiggins

    trimming fan leaves

    Is it ok to trim the big fan leaves so I can get more light to the bottom of the plant?
  13. calkiggins

    nats and a bee?

    Thanks I'll run to the store tomorrow and get some neem oil and the sticky traps and see if I can kill those little bastards, thanks again
  14. calkiggins

    nats and a bee?

    I just found a bee in my flowering room but it was on it's back just kicking its legs around like it was in a daze, I killed it but the weird thing is, it's very cold outside way way too cold for a bee to survive, secondly it was in my basement and there are no nests or other bees that I've seen...
  15. calkiggins

    leaves drooping at tips and curling under

    thanks for all the help, I'll get a hold of my friend and see if he will write down the instructions for the fert, thanks again.
  16. calkiggins

    leaves drooping at tips and curling under

    Thanks for the advice I'll try flushing them and watch how often I water, and I got the ferts from a friend in water bottles because he has big jugs and just gave me some out of those so I didn't get any instructions it sucks, and I'm definitely never using MG again I'll get some regular stuff I...
  17. calkiggins

    leaves drooping at tips and curling under

    and will someone tell me if I should start using the guano or flora bloom for the flowering plants and how much like per gallon of water in ml or oz? and how often I should fert? and how much? sorry so many questions I just want to know all I can
  18. calkiggins

    leaves drooping at tips and curling under

    This is my first indoor grow or first grow period and I think I'm having some issues, a little info, I currently have 4 plants that are in the third day of flowering and 3 plants that are still vegging that are 2 weeks old, for equip I have a 400w MH i used for veg and a 600w HPS I'm using for...