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  1. S

    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    That is exactly why I keep an extra bulb on-hand. It sucks to think about the failures that could destroy a crop but if you can be proactive about it and prevent a disaster in the first place, the piece of mind is good to have. Are you going to create a grow journal for this? I'm interested...
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    Going Big: New Year, New Grow! 600w DWC tent

    Good question. I'm not completely convinced it was necessary to get another pump. It adds a lot more bubble action but once the roots are in the water, I think one pump between the two tubs would be enough air. I guess I was thinking that more is better, so I got another pump. Also, I like...
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    Sucker fish in hydroponic system

    Its not an has been done before, it's called aquaponics. Never heard it done with MJ but here's a link to get you started:
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    Club 600

    What's with the molasses? I'm pretty sure that is supposed to be used in late flowering. Plant needs N like nobodies business, not sugar byproducts.
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    Sucker fish in hydroponic system

    Just light proof the reservoir. You are way overthinking this and making it way harder than it needs to be. Ninja edit: ^^Beat me to it!
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    Yeah, I guess that needs some never goes above 30% during lights on. They do consume more water than if they were in a more humid environment but I haven't seen any other ill effects. High humidity during flowering can lead to bud rot and mold, basically destroying your...
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    My humidity never cracks 30% in my tent and I've made no attempts to control it. In my experience, low humidity during veg isn't a big deal but high humidity during flower is something to take very seriously.
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    MH is unnecessary or not???

    I use HPS throughout. MH is ideal for veg but I have excellent results without it.
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    No worries. Happy to answer your questions. The fans are rated at 84 CFM each, so they push a...

    No worries. Happy to answer your questions. The fans are rated at 84 CFM each, so they push a lot of air. They are also really loud, so I don't recommend them unless you don't care about stealth. I used a 4" hole saw to mount them, which is a bigger hole than the fan. I sprayed expanding...
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    Hey thanks for the comments. The fans failed because of the power supply but I can't explain...

    Hey thanks for the comments. The fans failed because of the power supply but I can't explain why. It was as new as the fans and was working beautifully. The computer fans don't work so well with the backpressure of the carbon filter, so I have to run two in order to keep the cab cool with the...
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    24/0 v's 18/6 open again :)

    This has got to be one of the dumbest threads I've ever read. I left with way fewer IQ points than I did coming in. OP, you're an idiot and should stop posting.
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    novis ?

    Thanks, yeah he's a pit. I agree...awesome dogs. I can't think of another breed I would rather own.
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    optimal distance of 400 hps

    I'd worry about bleaching with a 1000w, not a 400w. Not enough intensity to do that.
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    novis ?

    Yep, you could grow a bunch of tiny ones for a SOG grow or a single tree that yields a lb or two.
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    how high?

    I keep mine about 10-14" from the canopy. The plants seem to do just fine and have minimal stretching.
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    Best Air Stone/Diffuser

    Does anyone have any pics of the bubble action from these? And how many would you need for a 30 gal tote?
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    Best Air Stone/Diffuser

    Damn, I was going to ask the same question when I re-read over the thread just now. I was looking at these in Walmart today and they are pretty spendy. But if they can make smaller bubbles than my 4" oxystones, I'd shell out the cash. Oh, and do the bubbles come out consistently throughout...
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    25 DAYS FLOWER(bagseed)**400w HPS**

    Yeah, they definitely need a shot of nitrogen to get the green back into that foliage. I wish I could answer your question but I don't have experience with earthworm castings or that nute lineup. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable can help you get your plants healthy.
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    plant food

    Two wrongs don't make a right.
  20. S

    25 DAYS FLOWER(bagseed)**400w HPS**

    They look pretty deficient in N. What nutes are you using?