Search results

  1. D

    Looking into getting an HPS... Where to buy and what kind/size for me?

    you can get a 250w hps for £35 in the uk so it cant be much moor wer you are? but thats all you need, good luck!!
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    My 1st volcano party

    i cant bleve i did not no that? thanks
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    My 1st volcano party

    dueling volcanoes,im think wot is it?
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    Fluorescent lights question?

    hi the lights im talking about are pro-lits plus, i got them from netlamps. i rang them and thay told me that the spec is 30w 2700k warm white 3000 lumes. ther number is 0845 402 4031. if you find out any info on this let me no, thanks
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    Cool Avatars

    arrid you are sick you must be a Pedofile thats al you talk about
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    i was born in canada and i moved when i was about1. so i dont no a fuck about it over ther but i mite move ther soon as most of my famely live ther and lot less stres from the pig?
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    finally got some weed

    put it in vodka
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    Cool Avatars

    sabud.............fuck im lafing my guts up, arrid dont tern girls need to be safe? lol
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    my new babys

    thanks and i will ceep you up to date as you lot do for me...cant waty
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    Cool Avatars

    i fill sick just thinking about it...
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    na its not that, im in code so the pigs dont no wot im saying. you yank do talk werd? lol im from candada but iv moved to the uk
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    i just cant spell as im hi hi hi lol,uk
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    Cool Avatars

    that one of the funyist fings iv everd hard and im not joking:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :joint:
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    i dont do much of the snif anymoor but alot do on this site but we al have to grow up sumtime? any one dun pot and cock shotys?
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    Cool Avatars

    you cant griw in snow. arrid its al my land i mite evein no sumone that grows by you? its a smal word. going by yor avater yor no kid?
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    Cool Avatars

    s,w and its starting to look nice it was hot to day. and ther is lots of good grow spots ner me no one no,s i hope? lol
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    skunk man skunk i do love coke to but this is a skunk site
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    Cool Picture

    i cant bleve it? lol
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    Cool Avatars

    is that usa football as i dont no shit sbout it
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    Cool Avatars

    arrid im geting uset to it naw and you? lol. arrid got any out door plants going? as i mite put 2 or 20 out but its the fucking rain when will it stop?