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  1. D

    Too Much Light?

    :joint:get rid of that FT it must be so low in watts it will just be in the way, and get them CFL 2-4" away and i wood mist them 3 or 4 times a day:blsmoke:
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    What do yall think??

    thay are all growing very well nice and heathy good luck!!
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    Ne IDea HOw To TRAnsPLant DesE ???

    wear are you from ..grow...... lol
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    How to take close up pictures with Marco

    jesus3......... white widow
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    How to take close up pictures with Marco

    thats cool wher did you get that lens from:confused:
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    little help

    are you going just to veg in that frezer? or are you going to do a complet grow in ther? and how big is it?
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    How to take close up pictures with Marco

    i no the pics are shity but i dont own a dig camra, i take al my pics on my mobile phone and it was on the marco seting. but i will be geting one soon,i hope?:mrgreen:
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    african bush

    ther is lots of african bush about at the momunt its chep so lots are bying it i wont smoke the shit but lots of girls i no love it? the thing is iv bin givein sum seeds and im going to grow sum, i wunt to no is, whot is it is it part of the skunk famly? im just going to put 1 or 2 plants in my...
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    Early flowering

    i have not dun it my self but a frend of mine grows rite from seed on 12/12 and he gets good bud ...............but he is rily old....... lol
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    5 weeks into flowering

    i wood not trim that plant any moor as it looks perfect to me. is it just one plant? as if it is then it will have a good covering of light just try and have manly 2700k lights. at this stag its not worth cuting or choping that plant it will just give it stres
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    hps bulbs

    hi i wood like to no wot are the best hps bulbs you can get? and are philips son-t plus any good? im looking to by soon so thanks for any help:mrgreen:
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    5 weeks into flowering

    how meny lights and wot wattge are you useing nice looking plant thoe
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    fridge growing

    it a bit cold to grow in a frige? sorry lol
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    NOOB TIP of the day...

    :blsmoke:that looks good i mite give it a go, wote size pots do you use? thanks
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    first grow soil question.

    get a good fork and work that grond, tern in lots of compost get rid ov all them weeds and roots. then read up on it hear on rollitup!! good luck
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    Looking into getting an HPS... Where to buy and what kind/size for me?

    hps are good for veging but if you wunt add 2-4 cfl will help good luck!
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    Just Stole A Nice Plant!!

    are you to mates?:confused:
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    too late?

    sofly good that you told the truth, not to long to wayt
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    Just Stole A Nice Plant!!

    if we cort him wher i come from he wood have his ankle broking like in the film misery!! but that still to good for the wanker:cry:
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    my new babys

    i took thees pics today 8/8/07 thay are on 22/2 lighting. iv bin on holladay for the last week so thay had no one to look after them but thay are fine just had to give them a good wortering:mrgreen: