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  1. medicolas

    3 months into flowering and no bud growth?

    It could be a piece of equipment also. These growing equipment companies need to see the beauty of greenLED's! Do you have a power strip that has an orange or red illuminated on/off switch? I had one of those bone me on a couple of plants that where close to the LED light
  2. medicolas

    Hello RIU! Midnight Kush 600w HPS

    I throw some rep your way for those pretty girls! Nice grow young man!!!
  3. medicolas

    confused noob

    Shit dude... throw an old fart a bone.... So, whats your grow space look like?
  4. medicolas

    First grow ever

    One of the best lesson an indoor grower can learn is keep a clean growing environment. You need to designate a space to grow and keep it as clean as possible!
  5. medicolas

    First grow ever

    They are awesome little animals.... But they don't work well with sticky buds though! Your bud will truly be extra hairy!
  6. medicolas

    confused noob

    You know it trippsy! I slipped ya some rep for clearing that up!
  7. medicolas

    confused noob

    Nice pic! Please tell an old married man that your nailing that!
  8. medicolas

    confused noob

    You and or your grow room will determine this! What kind of a grow set-up do you have?
  9. medicolas

    Seedling Down!!! Help!!!

    Man i am seriously stoned!lol! Growing weed rocks. Peace You are so right! :weed:
  10. medicolas

    Seedling Down!!! Help!!!

    Split a straw down the middle, open it up and wrap it around the stem. Push a little dirt up around it to steady it.
  11. medicolas

    sluts and nice girls

    If the thing doesn't talk.... I'll trade you my wife straight across!
  12. medicolas

    sluts and nice girls

    Holly shit! That looks just like my old girl friend! Does she just fucking lay there like my ex too?
  13. medicolas

    sluts and nice girls

    The bottom of the holes should be fine.... But I bet he wore the shit out of the sides!
  14. medicolas

    Silver! Who Is On This Train?

    If you want to turn your worthless fiat dollars into something that will be worth something... buy gold & silver! I's the only true way to PRESERVE weath!
  15. medicolas

    What would you do???? Found the mutha load on walk

    Here is what I told the last person on here that posted something like this! "If that was my weed! You'd know what it felt like to have my right thumb in your left eye-socket about second knuckle deep as I was choking you out with a "rear naked"! Then I would look for a curb to drag you over...
  16. medicolas

    Water Cure? Curious? I tried it...

    Well... Here the pics! They are labeled correctly. I ground a bit so you could see it ground and in bud form, I nugged these all the way down before the water cure. I am starting to get a bit of the good aromas back in the jar, but it sure as hell don't just smell like WEED! Smokes great. I...
  17. medicolas

    fox tailing pinapple chunk

    What type of high do you want? If you want it to be a little more heady... Then harvest. If you want couch-lock high.... let it go until the triche's are 60-70% amber. That's kinda my guidelines. Have any pics of the plant alive... not cut bud shots?
  18. medicolas

    For the good of all growers i need a Mathematician's help!!!

    You still need temp data, R-factors on insulation... etc. It sound like you need the data from a simple central heating and air load calculation to me! I would think a good A/C man could do this for you.
  19. medicolas

    110/220 switchable lights

    See... Just like I said. Someone who actually knows something will clear it up! Thanks Justin!
  20. medicolas

    Last questions before I start my Journal!

    ascs.... Is your name in reference to the Sprint Car ASCS thing? Just curious! I don't want to be a jerk... Please don't take it that way! It sounds like you have a lot of very basic questions. Questions that should have been answered in any simple first time growers tutorial or grow video...