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  1. medicolas

    how can i make a small amount of hemp salve?

    look up rick simpson's phoenix tears on youtube! Oh... wow! Sorry, I just saw the DIME part.... I'll shut up now!
  2. medicolas

    What Do You Think Of Texans?

    Well I am from Oklahoma.... So I can say this! Texas is soooo shitty.... If it weren't for Oklahoma sucking so bad, Texas would fall off into the gulf!
  3. medicolas

    help asap growers plzzz

    I veg under a 1000w Mh and I have had a couple if main shoots jump up and get a little crispy, but it will probably be ok. You would want to trim that injured material off. You don't want your plant to keep trying to repair that bad tissue! I'll be watching for pics!
  4. medicolas

    sluts and nice girls

    A good friend of mine says... "IF THEY SMOKE...... THEY POKE BOYS". Such wise words!
  5. medicolas

    Couldnt help it !!!!!!!

    Just walk up and put it in her ass... then wipe it on her cutains! Sorry.... Sorry... I could not resist!
  6. medicolas

    Couldnt help it !!!!!!!

    Nice quote 0calli. You know how to make a chick scream twice?
  7. medicolas

    Couldnt help it !!!!!!!

    If this is an acceptable method to you... Your prob. not a med. user! Why would you do that! Have some respect for this plant.... Man!
  8. medicolas

    Recommend a HPS fixture for beginner?

    Buy a good digital like lumatek, or the equivalent. Texas Hydro has been blowing some out lately. Use a good bulb like Digilux or something that's made for digital ballasts. Search hard... I found my Digilux 1000Wer's for $76.00 each! If you have the cash do it right. You'll save in the long...
  9. medicolas

    Waterlogged! Any advice?

    This makes it a whole new topic then! How much does water consumption drop off at the end of the plants life? Did you wait until it was in full rigor mortis before you harvested it? Not trying to be a butt-head, just wondering. Had you been flushing with more water than you did to just "water"...
  10. medicolas

    Watering frequency

    I think you should be giving them nute's by now unless your growing in soil! At least B-1 with some trace elements.... at least! I have my girls on 500 ppm by 3 weeks into veg. I am wondering if you are truly in "veg"? Is this a grow from seed or clone? How far are you from your first set of...
  11. medicolas


    Diesel15... Look for Prodigy from Mob Deep on alex's radio show last week! Super f'n inverview!
  12. medicolas


    Alex Jones... And you can ad Barry Soetoro.... A.K.A. Barrak Hussein Obama to the cousins list 8deez8!
  13. medicolas

    help asap growers plzzz

    Don't do anything drastic!
  14. medicolas

    help asap growers plzzz

    Need pics man!
  15. medicolas

    Can someone test the 72 hours darkness before harvest myth...

    Hey! Look at that! I just noticed I can roll a joint now! SWEET! I just figure since I have read that "resin production happens in the dark cycle" That it would be good to let it go a while in the dark. I always have wonderful aromas! works for me! I also just did a water cure on some that was...
  16. medicolas

    Can someone test the 72 hours darkness before harvest myth...

    I do 48 and love it! That's just me though.... and look at the top left of my page.... I'm nobody!:-(
  17. medicolas

    found a patch of Sativa... need help :)

    No guns... But If that was my weed! You'd know what it felt like to have my right thumb in your left eye-socket about second knuckle deep as I was choking you out with a "rear naked"! Then I would look for a curb to drag you over to for a nice smiley! Wait.. sorry! That was what I would do...
  18. medicolas

    how's got the most post on Riu

    Who high are they.....? Man... How High Are You? Lol!! It's a good thing your just smokin and typing!!!!
  19. medicolas

    Water Cure? Curious? I tried it...

    R1tony, I frikkin love that photo of yours! You could make an alternate with a little girl about that age... fix'r up with a couple of shiners and caption it as "Bitch don't listen. See, I already told her twice! I know it's terrible... But I did it anyway!
  20. medicolas

    Water Cure? Curious? I tried it...

    Well.. I just medicated again. I am waiting for the damn AA's to charge for pic's! This is the uber stealth weed! I can't smell shit! I am waiting on my niece to get home from work, so I can do a smell test on her "virgin nose". Hits like a fucking hammer though! Wow! LUUUUV IT! I also...