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  1. rbahadosingh

    My First Grow - Purple Kush & New Purple Power

    Here are the updated picture everyone. I just took these pics a few minutes ago. Let me know what you think....
  2. rbahadosingh

    My First Grow - Purple Kush & New Purple Power

    Hey everyone. I know i havent been updating my grow regularly but i have been keeping a journal on my computer. Here is all the updates. I will post pictures in a few minutes. 04/20/08 Day 47(Day 13 Flowering) Watered all flowering and sexing plants with 10ml Liquid Karma. 5ml Cal-Mag Plus...
  3. rbahadosingh

    Plant leaves tips turning brown... HELP!

    no i dont foliar feed. i was feeding by adding nutes to the res. today i checked the roots and it lookes like they are growing a bunch of new roots and like the old roots were dead or hurt. the roots closer to the top are brownish and the roots at the bottom are bright white...
  4. rbahadosingh

    Plant leaves tips turning brown... HELP!

    its about a month old. in a dwc. i just changed the water. i was feeding it liquid karma and pureblendpro grow.
  5. rbahadosingh

    Plant leaves tips turning brown... HELP!

    bump.......... can someone help??????????????
  6. rbahadosingh

    Plant leaves tips turning brown... HELP!

    Ok so my plants leaves have been turning brown like this for the past few days. its in a 5 gallon bucket DWC. When i first saw it doing this i changed the water and that seemed to help the problem. but now a coulple days later the leaves are doing it again... any ideas what the problem is...
  7. rbahadosingh

    Are the roots supposed to be floating????

    thanks for the replys.....
  8. rbahadosingh

    preflower my ass

    could be a autoflowering strain...
  9. rbahadosingh

    preflower my ass

    pictures? what strain is it?
  10. rbahadosingh

    Are the roots supposed to be floating????

    So i have a DWC setup in a 5gallon bucket. Everything was bought from walmart and handmade. I have 3 Air stones and 2 water pumps. One has 2 air lines coming from it and the other one has 1 airline. Well my roots seem to keep floating up in the air bubbles and not just sitting in the water...
  11. rbahadosingh

    Greetings from Ja.

    welcome to the site. i am a fellow jamaican but live in the USA. hope you enjoy the site.
  12. rbahadosingh

    First Time Grow!!

    looks like it may be streching. might want to move the light closer.
  13. rbahadosingh

    Dont Tell Anybody....anybody!!!!

    i was taught to only trust one person in life. and thats a dead person.
  14. rbahadosingh

    My First Grow - Purple Kush & New Purple Power

    i use botanicare nutes. and yes they are available in the US i got them at the local hydroponic store.
  15. rbahadosingh

    My First Grow - Purple Kush & New Purple Power

    PPM stands for Parts Per Million and its how you measre how much nutrients is in your water. You need a meter to read this. I got one for cheap on ebay. here is the link. HANNA Primo TDS Meter, PPM Tester, Conductivity - eBay (item 370041572769 end time Apr-20-08 16:05:06 PDT)
  16. rbahadosingh

    My First Grow - Purple Kush & New Purple Power

    here is some upddated pics.
  17. rbahadosingh

    My First Grow - Purple Kush & New Purple Power

    right on man.:mrgreen: good look with your new setup. i dont water every 2 days. i usually water every 3-4 days. but sometimes earlier if they need it. but typically its every 3-4 days.
  18. rbahadosingh

    uuuhhhh female... i think...

    one side has the 2 white hairs. but the other side doesnt.... opinions please...
  19. rbahadosingh

    My First Grow - Purple Kush & New Purple Power

    04/14/08 Watered my NPP plants. Took 4 clones. Placed 2 in rockwool and 2 in gel2root. 04/16/08 Watered all PK and WW1 with 10ml Liquid Karma. 5ml Cal-Mag Plus. 22.5ml PBPBloom. PPM 1450. Watered other plants with 15ml PBPGrown. 10ml Liquid Karma. 5ml Cal-Mag Plus. PPM 1100.