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  1. hogbud

    Hey New Growers, Let's try this again?

    I have grown over 70 strains in my garden in the past 5 years and not one of em ever smelled while they were growin (they stink when you harvest em and smoke em) and there have been a lot of people come to my house and verify this as true and while you wrap your head around what I said think...
  2. hogbud

    Hey New Growers, Let's try this again?

    I see 520 likes for over 700 post and your point was well stated and well taken, and your right I could care less about the likes Thank You !!!
  3. hogbud

    new grow please help me

    Takes a year and requires a bit of O2 as well, the bad info here just kills me LOL
  4. hogbud

    2 week old plants bending

    I use em too, but not to make the stems stronger, it is more about preventing dampening off disease, which occurs when the base of the stem is left sitting in wet soil
  5. hogbud

    T5 or 300w cfl?

    Your very welcome, it is what I do, there are lots of good tidbits of similar info in my Hey New Growers thread if you can get past the trolls
  6. hogbud

    Hey New Growers, Let's try this again?

    Been explaining it for years, it is not a secret,,,, They want a full spectrum of light that is not crammed up their little asses they do not wanna touch each other they want a balanced nute regimen they do not like non-natural pressure ie: vacuum caused by intake & exhaust fans you see they...
  7. hogbud

    Hey New Growers, Let's try this again?

    I suppose that is true, that ventilation would be required in a smaller non-open space, still it makes me sad that folks don't get it
  8. hogbud

    2 week old plants bending

    fans do not make the stems stronger, silica does though
  9. hogbud

    T5 or 300w cfl?

    The typical rating most growers are familiar with is the “lumen.” The definition of the lumen is the total light produced within the range of the human visual response. It tells us nothing about the distribution of that light energy over the spectrum, and most importantly, it doesn’t tell us how...
  10. hogbud

    Hey New Growers, Let's try this again?

    The more I hang here, the sadder I get, so much bad info, so much misunderstanding, just read a post where the grower is struggling with smell and the price of fans and the noise they make when growing happy plants is so easy to do I stopped posting about it LOL every one wants to make fun and...
  11. hogbud

    T5 or 300w cfl?

    PAR = photosynthetically available radiation it is actually what plants use the numbers you are typing are Temperature in Kelvin 6500K (the K means Kelvin) Lumens is a measurement of how humans see light and is totally useless to plants and has nothing what so ever to do with the spectrum
  12. hogbud

    need help

    was there a question???
  13. hogbud

    What is the best way to germinate seed

    plant em in dirt
  14. hogbud

    hps better for my sweet tooth autos?

    check your inbox
  15. hogbud

    hps better for my sweet tooth autos?

    good luck finding any one that teaches other than me , I've never seen it and folks for some reason have a hard time listening to me LOL the secret is in my thread that got locked
  16. hogbud

    hps better for my sweet tooth autos?

    vegged for 5 weeks finished after 9 weeks of flower
  17. hogbud

    Question About Watering

    you shouldn't
  18. hogbud

    Question About Watering

    I get it, most don't keep doin what your doin :clap:
  19. hogbud

    T5 or 300w cfl?

    except plants don't use Lumens, what matters to them is PAR
  20. hogbud

    T5 or 300w cfl?

    I call it the tanning booth